Communication within an organization in which the direction of communication is from employees up to management.
Upward communication
Communication passed consecutively from one person to another.
Serial communication
The idea that people prefer not to pass on unpleasant information, with the result that important information is not always communicated.
MUM (minimize unpleasant messages) effect
The medium by which a communication is transmitted.
Communication channel
Physical distance between people.
A form of upward communication in which a survey is conducted to determine employee attitudes about an organization
Attitude survey
A form of upward communication in which a survey is conducted to determine employee attitudes about an organization.
Attitude survey
A form of upward communication in which employees are asked to place their suggestions in a box.
Suggestion box
A form of upward communication in which employees are asked to place their complaints in a box.
Complaint box
A person who acts as an intermediary between employees and management, or the type of employee who both sends and receives most grapevine information.
A person who investigates employees’ complaints and solves problems.
neutral and works for a solution that is acceptable to both employees and management.
An employee who serves as a liaison between unionized employees and management.
Union steward
Communication within an organization in which the direction of communication is from management to employees.
Downward communication
A method of downward communication in which informal or relatively unimportant written information is posted in a public place.
Their main use, however, is to communicate non-work-related opportunities suchasscholarships,optionalmeetings,anditemsforsale.
Bulletin board
A formal method of downward communication in which an organization’s rules and procedures are placed in a manual; legally binding by courts of law.
Policy manual
policy manuals should contain the following six disclaimers:
- Employment with the organization is at-will (refer to Chapter 7 for a discussion of employment-at-will).
- The handbook does not create either an expressed or an implied contract.
- The handbook is a set of guidelines and should not be considered allinclusive.
- The material in the present handbook supersedes material in previous handbooks.
- The handbook can be changed only in writing by the president of the organization, and it can be changed unilaterally at any time.
- Employees are subject to provisions of any amendments, deletions, and changes in the handbook.
very specific and lengthy, containing all of the rules and policies under which the organization operates
policy manual
much shorter and contains only the most essential policies and rules, as well as general summaries of less important rules.
employee handbook
A method of downward communication typically used to communicate organizational feedback and celebrate employee success.
A computer-based employee communication network used exclusively by one organization.
forms of downward communication
Bulletin boards, Policy Manuals, newsletter and Intranets
the transmission of business-related information among employees, management, and customers.
Business Communication
Business communication methods include…
memos, telephone calls, email, and voice mail, business meeting, Office Design,
Communication among employees in an organization that is not directly related to the completion of an organizational task.
Informal communication
An unofficial, informal communication network.