Chapter 4 CV + hematology - other heart failure drugs Flashcards
acute pulmonary edema
- accompanies left heart failure
- successful tx of pulmonary edema reduces risk of 2ndary right heartfailure
early interventions
1) sit pt upright to decrease venous return and ease breathing
2) administer humidified o2 to increase PaO2
drug therapy
1) furosemide or bumetanide (reudce vascular volume, l/t shift of fluid from lungs into vasculatore
2) morphine (venodilator, which decreases preload and reduces anxiety)
3) nitrates + bronchodilators can be added to reudce ischemic damage and improve ventilation
mgmt of shock
- fatal d/t tissues are poorly perfused and become ischemic
1) oxygenation
2) support BP
3) tx metabolic acidosis if severe
vasopressors (constrict blood vessels and improve cardiac fx by stimulating adrenergic receptors)
* employed when fluids alone fail to inc central venous pressure
* vasconstrictors shunt blood from peripiheral to heart + lungs (therefore, in order to improve central venous pressure is frequently at expense of ischemci damage to peripheral tissue)
* low dose dopamine preferred agent for shock (dilates renal vessels (dopamine receptor-mediated) while constricting vessels in other tissues
* while high dose dopamine and NE constrict all vessels including those of kidneys and brain
* both improve cardiac fx by stimulating b1 receptors (dopamine more potent in this regard)
- dobutamine (beta-1 agonist) and isoproterenol (beta-1 and beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonist indicated primarily for bradydysrhythmias) used in cardiogenic shock b/c improve myocardial contractility (contraindicated when shock d/t hypovolemia than cardiac insuffiiency d/t no direct vasoconstrictor effects [weak a1 agonists]
- dobutamine cautious with use d/t potential worsening hypotension
digoxin (lanoxin)
cardiac glycoside
- inhibits Na+/K+ - atpase (sodium pump) and inc inward current of Ca++
- 3 sodiums OUT for every 2 potassiums IN the cell
- watch out for hyperkalemia b/c it is a side effect of digoxin use since K+ cannot enter (toxic level of digoxin) and monitor for hypokalemia since digoxin replaces potassium in the sodium pump causing further worsening of digoxin toxicity
- sodium does not leave cell at all causing Na+2/Ca++2 exchanger to compensate by becoming inhibited so it won’t increase Na+ concentration side cell
- RESULT — no more Ca++ exchanged for Na+ l/t increased Ca+ concentration
1) enhanced contraction
2) inc cardiac output
3) dec heart size, venous return and blood volume
4) diuresis (d/t inc renal perfusion)
5) inc peripheral vascular resistance
6) slow ventricular rate in a fib or flutter by inc sensitivity
* HF
* a fib
* paroxysmal tachycardia
* hypoventilation
* cardiogenic shock
* thyrotoxic shock (Patients with thyrotoxicosis most commonly present with signs and symptoms related to excess thyroid hormone including: weight loss with a normal or increased appetite, heat intolerance with increased sweating, palpitations, tremor, anxiety, proximal muscle weakness, alopecia and increased fatigability)
* loading dose is administered first
* digitalis intoxication (headache, malaise, insomnia, altered mental status, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting) – hyperkalemia
* bradycardia
* AV/SA node block
* arrhythmias
* inc peripheral resistance may inc heart’s workload + worsening ishcemic damage
* v fib
* severe bradycardia
* allergic rx nto cardiac glycosides
* inc risk of toxicity w/ drugs that alter serum electrolyes (K+ depleting diuretics, corticosteriods, thiazide, and loop diurectis, amphotericin B [antifungal], quinidine [antiarrhythmic + antiparasistic]
* INC risk of complete AV block (beta blcokers, CCBs, or acetylcholinesterase)
* Drugs that alter GI absosrption
T-wave dec in amplitude or inverted
PR interval longer
Q-T interval shortened
milrinone (primacor)
bipyridine derivative
- inhibits phosphodiesterase (enzyme for cAMP breakdown)
- cAMP inc calcium uptake
* contractility
* stroke volume
* ejection fration
* sinus rate
* decrease peripheral resistance
* added to digoxin therapy when HF persists depsite digoxin
* NOT EFFECTIVE with HF that last more than 48 hrs
* ventricular arrhythmias
* requires constance ECG monitoring
if cAMP depleted then drug not effective
* capable of inc myocardial contraction even inf presence of b-adrenergi antagonists
dobutamine (dobutrex)
- beta1 receptor preffered adrenergic agonist
- moderate dose inc contractility w/o inc HR or BP; minimal effects on blood vessels
* tx of shock
* tachycardia
* hypotension
* nausea
* headache
* palpitations
* anginal sx
* dyspnea
* ventricular arrhythmias
continuous infusio need to maintain therapeutic effect
* hypersensitivity
* idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
short half life — used for short term therapy
Terazosin (hytrin)
- beta1 receptor preffered adrenergic agonist
- moderate dose inc contractility w/o inc HR or BP; minimal effects on blood vessels
* tachycardia
* edema
* lightheadness
* fatigue
* nasal congestion
all pt must start with 1 mg dose before bed then inc dose slowly if hypotension is not a problem
Nesiritide (natrecor)
- brain natriuretic peptide analog (causes diuresis, vasodilatation, and decreased renin and aldosterone secretion)
* HF
* hypotension
* cardiogenic shock
ivabradine (corlanor)
- blocks hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel
* CHF in pts who are on mximum dose of betablockers
* bradycardia
* hypertension
* atrial fib
* visual brightness
* acute decompensating HF
goal to reduce risk of hospitalization