Chapter 4 Flashcards
Observed Score
= True Score + Systematic Error + Random Error
Coefficient alpha
estimate is derived from the correlations of each item with each other item and so does not rest on any arbitrary choice of ways to divide the items into two halves. Preferred measure of internal consistency reliability
the abstractions that social scientists discuss in their theories. They are the rich theoretical concepts that make the science interesting, terms such as social status, power, intelligence, and gender roles. Because we cannot literally put a finger on any of these concepts to measure them, we must find some concrete representations that approximate what we mean when we speak of such concepts.
Convergent Validity
Overlap between alternative measures that are intended to tap the same construct but that have different sources of systematic error.
Convergent Validity Coefficients
Correlations between scores that reflect the same trait measured by different methods.
Correlation Coefficient
a statistical index of the strength of association between 2 variables.
Definitional Operationism
the assumption that the operational definition is the construct. (Ex: intelligence is what an intelligence test measures).
Discriminant Validity
A validity measure has to show good convergence with other measures of the same thing. It should also fail to correlate with measures that are supposed to tap basically different constructs. (That’s basically the definition of discriminant validity).
Discriminant Validity Coefficient
Indicates the correlation between different traits measured by the same method.
Face Validity
evaluated by a group of judges, sometimes experts, who read or look at a measuring technique and decide whether in their opinion it measures what its name suggests.
Internal consistency reliability
alternative estimate is not subject to these concerns and, therefore, more widely used
measure of agreement that can be used to estimate inter-rater reliability
mode of measurement.
Multitrait-multimethod matrix
table of correlation coefficients that enables us to simultaneously evaluate the convergent and discriminant validity of a construct
Nomological Net
the theoretical network of construct-to-construct associations derived from relevant theory and stated at an abstract level (Look at pg. 78 – 79 in book)