Chapter 4 Flashcards
weight less than 3 1/2 pounds at birth (4 pounds lighter than average); indicates greater potential for health risks
very low birth weight
born below the 10th percentile of birth weight for gestational age with no known factors that would explain the small size; indicates serious health risks–sometimes called small fo gestational age with IUGR
intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
deaths that occur between birth and 1 year of age
infant mortality
specialized cells that process information and allow communication in the nervous system
one form of neuron maturation in which dendrites and axons branch out to form an enormously large number of connections with neighboring neurons
a form of neuron maturation in which the fatty insulation (myelin sheath) grows around the axons
process by which many neurons die during periods of migration and heavy synaptogenesis
programmed cell death
practice where infants and young children sleep with one or both parents
sudden death of an infant before 1 year of age that is not explained by autopsy, medical history, or investigation of the scene of death
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
a thick, yellowish substance in breast milk containing important antibodies
involuntary movements that are elicited by environmental stimuli
process of coordinating movements with the large muscles in the body
gross motor development
process of coordinating intricate movements with smaller muscles
fine motor development