Chapter 33-Invertebrate II Flashcards
Characteristic of ecdysozoa
- Protostomes that are genetically from lophotrochozoa.
- all ecdysozoan possess cuticle.
What is the function of cuticles?
They do provide support and protection.
What is ecdysis?
It is process in which cuticle get shed to allow for growth.
What are the two phyla of ecdysozoa?
- Nematoda
2. arthropods.
Characteristic of Nematoda
- commonly known as roundworms
- larges pseudocoelomate.
- many are parasitic, and many are beneficial for soil
- tough collagen cuticle covers the body.
where does Nematoda phylum organisms live?
They live in al habitats on earth.
What phylum does C.elegan belongs to?
They belong to nematoda and they are a research model for genetic and development.
How does nematoda phylum organisms move?
They used longitudinal muscles in thrashing movement.
What is stylet?
Sharp piercing organ in the mouth.
How does nematoda phylum organisms reproduce?
sexual reproduction (internal fertilization)
What are examples of nematoda phylum?
- Ascaris
- Hookworms
- Pinworms
- heartworms
- nematode
- Trichinella.
How does Ascaris spread?
They spread through contaminated food.
lungs–> throat —> intestines wall.
Which worm causes elephantiasis?
nematode worm
Which worm causes trichinosis?
Trichinella worm through undercooked pork.
Characteristic of arthropod phylum
- largest phylum
- jointed appendages
- they have exoskeleton.
- extensive cephalization.
Where does the arthropod organisms live?
They live in all major habitats.
What is exoskeleton made of?
It is made of chitin (polysaccharide) and protein
What is the function of exoskeleton?
- Either tough and protective or soft and flexible
- restrict water loss
- growth require replacement of exoskeleton.
What is tagmata?
specialized grouping of segments.
What are the three typical tagmata?
- head
- thorax
- abdomen.
What are the digestive system’s organs of arthropod phylum?
It is a complex digestive system that include mouth, crop, stomach, intestine, and rectum.
Does arthropod phylum organism have eyes?
YES, Compound eyes composed of many ommatidia, each with independent visual field.
What is the function of antenna?
It is used for touch.
What type of circulatory system does arthropod phylum have?
It has open cirulatory system.
How does arthropod phylum organisms breath?
- aquatic organisms uses gills
2. the other uses tracheal system
What is spiracles?
pores in the body of arthropod organisms that is used in the breathing system.
What are hemocoel?
They are open sinuses that surround the major organs.
What excretion system does arthropod phylum have?
- metanephridia (some arthropod)
2. malpighian tubules (insects).
How does arthropod reproduce?
- By sexual reproduction (internal fertilization)
- some exhibit parental care.
What are the 5 different subphyla of arthropod phylum?
- Trilobita (extinct)
- chelicerata
- myriapoda
- hexapoda
- crustacea.
Characteristics of subphyla trilobita
- diverse lifestyle, but many are bottom feeders.
- extinct early arthropod
- little specialization of segment.
Characteristic of subphyla chelicerata
- They have 4 pairs of legs, and 2 tagmata.
- possess chelicerae (fangs) and some sensitive pedipalps
What are examples of chelicerata?
Spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and horseshoe crabs
How many tagmata does chilcerate have?
They two tagmata.
How many legs does chilcerate have?
They have 4 pairs of legs.
How many does tamata does the mite and ticks have?
They have fused tagmata
How does mites exist?
They may scavengers, plant pests, or parasite.
How does ticks exist?
They are all ectoparasites of vertebrates; many spread disease
Characteristic of subphylum myriapoda
- Diplopods
- chilopods
What are diplopods?
They are millipedes that have 2 pairs of legs in each segment. herbivorous
what are chilopods?
They are centipedes that have 1 pair of legs in each segment. carnivorous
Characteristic of subphylum hexapoda
-Most successful animal in number and diversity.
How many legs does subphylum hexapoda have?
They have 3 pairs of legs and 2 pairs wings.
What type of mouth does grasshopper have?
Chewing mouth.
What type of mouth does butterfly have?
Nectar sucking.
What type of mouth does mosquitos have?
Blood sucking.
What type of mouth does housefly have?
Lapping up liquid.
what is holometabolous?
Complete metamorphosis.
egg, larva, pupa, adult.
what is the hemimetabolous?
incomplete metamorphosis.
egg, nymph (without wings), adult.
Characteristic of subphylum crustacea
- Two pair of antenna
- tail fan
What are some examples of crustacea?
crabs, shrimp, lobsters, barnacles.
What is the function of tail fan?
It is for backward swimming.
What are the mouthpart of crustacea subphylum?
- mandibles
- mixilae
- maxillipeds.
What are the chelipeds?
powerful claws that may be attached to the walking legs.
What is carapace?
It is cuticle covering over head may extend over cephalothorax
characteristic of echinoderms phylum
- Marin organism
- spiny skin
- adults have radial symmetry with five arms
- larvae have bilateral symmetry.
- cephalization is absent.
- endoskeleton
- Unique water vascular system
Does echinoderms phylum have coelomate?
YES, it has well developed coelom
What is the water vascular system?
- Network of canals and tube feet that use hydraulic power for movement and feeding.
- ampullae
what is the function of ampullae?
It contract and fill tube feet with water, generating suction.
Does echinoderm phylum have excretory system?
NO, they lack excretory system
Does echinoderm phylum have circulatory system?
NO, the coelom take the role of distributing nutrients.
What is autotomy?
It is self amputation and regeneration.
What are the two examples of echinoderm?
- asteroidea
2. echinoidea
What are the 4 key distinguishing characteristics of chordata phylum?
- Notochord
- Dorsal hollow nerve cord
- pharyngeal slits
- post-anal tail.
What is the function of Notochord?
It is dorsal rod connective tissue.
The main function of notochord is to supports the body.
What is the function of dorsal hollow nerve cord?
it may expand at the anterior end to form brain.
what is the function of pharyngeal slits?
it may develop into filter feeders, gills, or other structures.
What are the three subphyla of chordata phylum?
- urochordata
- cephalochordata
- vertebra.
characteristic of subphylum urochordata
- marine species called tunicate
- larval tunicate exhibit all 4 chordata traits.
- sessile form adult
What are the component of filter feeding?
- incurrent siphons
- excurrent siphons
- pharyngeal slits.
What is Tunicin?
Tunic of protein and polysaccharide that encloses the whole animal.