Chapter 33-Invertebrate I Flashcards
Characteristics about Phylum porifera
- loosely organized and lack true tissues
- multicellular with several types of cells
- No apparent symmetry
Where does phylum porifera lives in?
Mostly marine and freshwater.
Can phylum porifera move?
They are sessile adult, free swimming larval stage.
What is Ostia?
Pores into the spongocoel.
What is Osculum?
It is where comes out of the spong.
What is function flagellated choanocytes?
Generate current and trap small particles and planktons
What is the function of amoebocytes?
Absorb nutrients from choanocytes and distribute to other cell throughout the sponge.
what is the function of epithelia cell?
It protects the sponge body.
Where are all these cells embedded in?
All cells are embedded in mesohyl.
What is mesohyl?
gelatinous, protein rich.
Where is spongin located?
It could be found in mesohyl
What is the function of spicules?
Provide structural support and resistant to predation.
How do biologist classify sponges?
They classify them by the shape of their spicules.
How do sponges reproduce?
- Most sponges are hermaphrodites.
- They also reproduce asexually by budding off small sponges fragments
What does hermaphrodites?
It means that they can produced eggs and sperms in the same time.
Characteristic about phylum cnidaria
- Radially symmetric animals
2. diploblastic
where do cnidaria phylum organism lives in?
Mostly in marin, but some in freshwater.
What does diploblastic means?
They only have two embryonic germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm)
What is mesoglea?
Translucent jelly like layer separate two cell layers.(epidermis and gastrodermis)
What are gastrovascular cavity lined with?
They are lined with digestive cell
What does digestive cell do?
They do extracellular digestion and they allow for digestion of larger food items.
Does cnidaria have nerve system?
YES, there are nerve cell that are arranged in a diffuse nerve net. there is no center control organ
How many opening does Cnidaria have?
There are only one opening serves as both mouth and anus.
What are the two different body forms?
- Sessile polyp
2. free swimming medusa.
Sessile polyp
Tubular, upright body attached to substrate by the aboral end.
free swimming medusa
umbrella shaped with mouth on the underside surround by tentacles.
What is the function of the water in the body of cnidaria?
The water serves as hydrostatic skeleton.
What is hydrostatic skeleton?
Internal fluid filled cavity that provide structural support
What is the function of contractile cell?
They provide movement and nerve net provide simple coordination.
What is cnidocytes?
It is a cell that contain the nematocysts.
What does fires the filament (nematocysts)?
What are the three different classes of cnidaria?
- Hydrozoa
- Scyphozoa and Cubozoa
- Anthozoa
What are examples of hydrozoa?
Hydra, Portuguese man of war, and Obelia
What are the main characteristic of hydrozoa?
- Mostly marine
- They have both medusa and polyp stage with colonial polyp stage.
What are examples of scyphozoa and cubozoa?
jelly fish and deadly sea wasps
What are the main characteristic of scyphozoa and cubozoa?
- All marine
- Medusa stage is dominant. reduced polyp stage.
What are examples of Anthozoa?
Anemones and sea fan coral
What are the main characteristic of
- All marine
- Polyp stage is dominant. Medusa stage is dominant. Many are colonial.
Characteristics of platyhelminthes.
- First triploblastic (3 embryonic germ layers)
- acoelomate
- bilaterally symmetrical.
- first animal to have highly active lifestyle.
What acoelomate mean?
It lacks sealed fluid filled body cavity.
How does platyhelminthes breath?
they lack specialized respiratory or circulatory system to transport gases.
respire by simple diffusion.
Does platyhelminthes have digestive system?
YES, They have incomplete digestive system: pharynx serves in both feeding and expelling undigested food.
What is the function of gastrovascular cavity?
They do circulate nutrients.
What is ocelli?
light sensitive eyespot.
What is auricles?
They are chemoreceptive
Do platyhelminthes have nervous system?
YES, nerve net plus primitive centralized nervous system.
What is the function of cerebral ganglia?
It receives and coordinates sensory inputs.
What is protonephridia?
It is primitive excretory system
What is the function of flame cell?
Mostly osmoregulation
How does plantyhemithes reprdouce?
Sexual reproduction, most hermaphrodites
asexual reproduction.
What are the three classes of platyhelminthes?
- Turbellaria
- cestoda
- trematoda
What are example of turbellaria?
characteristic of turbellaria class
It is a non parasitic class.
What are example of cestoda?
Taenia (tapeworms)
characteristic of cestoda class
- possess no mouth and no digestive tract
2. they can reach several meter in their length.
What are Proglottids?
Reproductive segments.
What is scolex
attaches Cestoda to the host’s digestive tract.
Characteristic of trematoda class
parasitic flukes
What are the two types of tomotada class?
- blood flukes
2. chineses liver flukes.
How does blood flukes spread?
It spreads through contaminated water.
What are example of blood flukes?
Chinese liver fluke
it is a liver parasite that feeds on bile
what are examples of chinese liver fluke?
clonorchis sinensis.
How does chinese live fluke spread?
from snails to fish then to humans.
Why Rotifera phylum named that way?
it is named for ciliated crown or corona?
Does Rotifera phylum have digestive system?
YES, They have complete digestive system with mouth and anus that allows continuous feeding.
What does mastax do?
Muscular pharynx for chewing.
What is pseudocoelom?
It is where internal organs lie in.
Characteristic of Mollusca phylum
- soft body, often with protective shell body
2. diverse body plans.
What are the three common parts between Mollusca phylum?
- mantle
- visceral mass
- muscular foot.
what is mantle?
it is a skin like that may secret shell.
What is the function of muscular foot?
It is used for movement.
How does mollusca phylum organisms breath?
They do have external gill that they use to exchange gases.
What type of circulatory system does Mollusca phylum have?
I has open circulatory system with heart.
What fluid is used in open cirulatory system?
Hemolymph fluid.
Hemolymph fluid
respiratory copper based protein called hemocyanin for transporting oxygen.
what excretory system does Mollusca phylum have?
It has metanephridia
What is radula?
Unique tongue like organ used for scraping food.
How does Mollusca phylum reproduce?
by sexual and asexual reproduction (external and internal fertilization)
What is Trochophore?
It is the free swimming early stage of Mollusca.
What is Veliger?
The adult version of Mollusca.
What are the three classes of Molluscs?
- Gastropods
- bivalves
- cephalopods.
What are examples of gastropods?
snails, slugs, and nudibranch
characteristic of gastropods
- largest class, most aquatic but some are colonized land.
- shell reduced or lost in some.
What are examples of bivalves?
clams, oyster, mussels.
characteristic of Bivalves
They possess double hinged shell
What are example of cephalopods?
Octopus, squids, and nautiluses.
characteristic of cephalopods
- fast swimming marine predators
- They have closed circulatory system
- well developed nervous system with complex eyes and brain.
- beaklike jaws, tentacles, siphons.
What is siphon?
modification of foot used for propulsion.
characteristics of Annelida phylum
- possess distinct segment
What is the advantage of segmentation?
- Repetition components provide redundancy
- muscles contraction can be isolated to certain segments allowing more effective locomotion on land
- permit specialization on certain segments (cerebral ganglia, aortic arches…)
Is Annelida phylum coelomate or acoelomate?
It is coelomate. It is filled with hydrostatic skeleton.
What is the function coelomate in Annelida phylum?
- act as hydrostatic skeleton.
- Isolate organ system from outer body wall and digestive tract.
- it works as second transport system for distributing nutrient, wastes and respiratory gases.
What is chaete?
chitinous bristle
What is the function of chaetae?
They provide traction and biologist use them to identify Annelida.
What type of circulatory system does Annelida phylum have?
They have closed circulatory system.
What does the nervous system consists of?
Consists of pair of cerebral ganglia, and nerve cord
What type of excretory system does Annelida phylum have?
They metanephridia system
How does Annelida phylum organisms reproduce?
- sexual reproduction
2. asexual reproduction by fission or budding.
What are the two classes of Annelida phylum?
- polychaete
2. chlilatea
where does polychaete lives?
They live in marine and ocean environments
Where is the chaete located?
It is located on fleshy parapodia alongside the body.
Characteristics of polychaete
They have specialized head more than other and include tentacles, antennae and eyes.
Characteristics of chlilatea (subclass oligochaeta)
- have fewer chaete than polychaete.
How does earthworm reproduce?
sexual reproduction (internal fertilization)
Characteristics of Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea
- chaete are absents and segmentation is subtle
- secret anticoagulant enzyme called hiruden
- blood sucking ectoparasite of fish amphibian and mammals.
What does enzyme hiruden do?
maintain blood flow while feeding.