Chapter 30: Evolution of seed plants Flashcards
When was the origin of seed plants?
approx. 360 million years ago
What 3 things does a seed compose of?
- embryo
- food/nutrients
- protective coat
What are 4 common features to all seed plants?
- Reduced gametophytes (in size)
- Heterospory
- Ovules
- Pollen
What is one advantage of reduced gametophyte size?
- it provides protection from environmental stresses and it protects from UV radiation and drying out
What are 2 types of spores that seed plants produce?
- Megasporangia (female part) –> megaspores –> female gametophytes –> egg
- Microsporangia (male part) –> microspores –> male gametophytes –> pollen/sperm
What is the name of the layer of sporophyte tissue that protects the megasporangium?
What 3 things does an ovule consist of?
megasporangium, megaspore and integument
What does a pollen grain consist of? and what develops the pollen grain?
The microspore develops into a pollen grain.
Pollen grain consists of a wall of pollen and male gametophyte
What is pollination?
transfer of pollen to the ovules of another plant
How does the sperm travel to the egg? What is an advantage of that?
through a pollen tube. That way, the plants don’t have to live in moist environments
Describe the alternation of generation of Gymnosperms (pine trees) in 9 steps
- The ovulate and pollen cones appear on the same tree
- Microsporophytes divide by meiosis and produce haploid microspores.
- A microspore develops into a pollen grain (and has male gametophyte and pollen wall).
- Pollination occurs when pollen grain reaches ovule of female cone
- pollen grain germinates forming a pollen tube that makes its way through megasporangium
- while pollen tube is developing, the megasporocyte is undergoing meiosis, producing 4 haploid cells and one survives as a megaspore
- megaspore develops into female gametophyte that contains 2-3 archegonia where eggs form
- by the time eggs mature, 2 sperm cells develop in pollen tube and go to female gametophyte
- fertilization occurs more than a year after pollination and zygote develops into embryo. The ovule becomes a seed.
What is the difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms?
gymnosperms include pine trees, their seeds are not enclosed in an ovule. Also, they do not flower
angiosperms have their seeds enclosed in an ovule, and they are flowering plants
What 3 structures does the female part of angiosperms (carpel) consist of?
- Stigma (where pollen attaches)
- Style (where pollen tube goes down)
- Ovary (where eggs are produced)
What 2 structures does the male part of angiosperms (stamen) consist of?
- Anther (produces pollen)
2. Filament
What are fruits?
they consist of a mature ovary, and thickening of ovary walls.
In pea pods, the pea is the mature ovules and the pod is the ovary
Describe the 8 steps of angiosperm alternation of generation?
- On the anther, each microsporangium contains microsporocytes that divide via meiosis to produce microspores
- A microspore develops into a pollen grain
- The generative cell of gametophyte divides forming 2 sperm and a pollen tube is formed
- Megasporangium on each ovule, contain megasporocytes that divide by meiosis to produce 4 megaspores –> 1 survives and forms female gametophyte
- After pollination, 2 sperm cells discharge into each ovule
- Double fertilization occurs: when one sperm fertilizes the egg forming a zygote and the other sperm fertilizes the central cell forming endosperm (food supply for the zygote) n–> 3n
- Zygote develops into embryo thats packaged with food
- When germinates, the embryo develops into mature sporophyte.
Seed plants are _______ dominant
The gametophyte is _______ on the sporophyte in seed plants
What are the advantages and disadvantages for being gametophyte dependent on sporophyte?
Gains: nourished and protected by sporophyte
losses: more stress on sporophyte and more energy used to keep embryo nourished
What are the advantages and disadvantages of pollen? (male gametophytes)
Gains: male gametophytes are protected by pollen grain and water is not necessary for fertilization
Loss: Needs some mechanism to carry pollen around (air, insects…etc..)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of ovule? (female gametophytes)
Gains: protected by sporophyte (non-motile)
Losses: extra care for sporophyte
What are the advantages and disadvantages of seeds? (fertilized ovules that contain the next generation sporophyte?)
Gain: protection, dispersal, food storage, dormancy
Loss: great energy cost to plant
What is the main method of spore dispersal in gymnosperms?
Pollination by wind
What are 4 extant phyla of gymnosperms? Briefly describe them
- GInkophyta (has one extant species called ginkgo biloba)
- Phylum Cycadophyta (large cones and look like palm trees)
- Phylum Gnetophyta (they all look morphologically different and live in different parts of the world)
- Phylum Coniferophyta (most common species of gymnosperms and they have scale like leaves, long needs or flat leaves. They are mostly evergreen and can survive in extreme coldness)
What phylum makes up angiosperm?
What is the difference between monoecious flowers and dioecious flowers?
Monoecious flowers have male and female flowers on the same individual plant
Dioecious flowers have male and female flowers on different individual plants
What are 3 Adaptive advantages to angio sperm-style fertilization
- Food store for seed (endosperm) develops only after fertilization, so that the plant does not spend lifetime making food for the seed
- Female gametophyte reduced in size and therefore cheaper to produce
- Production of small female gametophyte takes only a few days rather than months
How many percent of the human caloric intake comes from land plants?
about 80%