Chapter 3 - Language Development Flashcards
Study of word structure
Bound morpheme
Cannot convey meaning on its own
Word order
Word meaning
Thinking all women are called mommies
Only the Oreo is a cookie
Fast mapping
Childs ability to learn a new word with only a few exposures
Birth to 3
4-6 months
Vocal play Marginal babbling Varies pitch Responds to name Bilabial trills
7-9 months
Comprehends no Uses gestures Varies sound combinations Variegated babbling Imitates intonation
10-12 months
Follows 1 step direction
Objects with sound
Gestures with vocalization
All consonant and vowels
1-2 years
1-2 word sentences
Holographic phrases (1 word for multiple meanings)
50 words at 18 months
18-24 months start two word combo
2-3 years old
3-4 word sentences
Telegraphic speech
Asks wh questions
Knows body parts
3-4 years
Tag questions
Uses negation
Asks, how, why and when
4-5 years
Complex sentences Future tense Categories Understands time Tell jokes
6-12 months
1-2 years
6-12 = 1.0
1-2 years = 2-2.5
2-3 years
3-4 years
2-3 = 2-3
3-4 = 3-4.5
4-5 years
5-6 years
4-5 = 4.5 +
5-6 = 5-6
Phonological awareness
Ability to detect and manipulate sounds and syllables
Morphological awareness
Recognition, understanding and use of word parts that carry significance
Common core standard major goals
Create globally competitive citizens
Prepare students for college
Create critical readers
Help students become more responsible citizens who use evidence for deliberation
Behavioral theory of language development
Acquisition of verbal behavior is manifested by actions of verbal community
Social/environmental actions
Verbal behavior produced
Nativist theory of language development
Language is a product of the human mind because of universal grammar rules
Children born with an LAD
Innate ability to learn language
Cognitive theory of language development
Language acquisition possible because of cognition and intellectual processes
Piaget’s 4 stages
Sensorimotor - 0-2 years
Preoperational - 2-7 years
Concrete operations - 7-11 years
Formal operations - 11+
Information processing theory of language acquisition
Organization of stimulus -> memory -> transfer -> attention -> discrimination
Social interactionism theory of language development
Language because of social communicative function
People are motivated to interact with those around them