Chapter 3 - Aircraft Emergencies and Malfunctions Flashcards
What are the priorities in an emergency?
Where can details on emergency procedures be found?
Aircrew Flight Manual (AFM)
Flight Reference Cards (FRCs)
Comms procedures - Laid down in CAP 413 and FIH
What comprises the ‘Aviate’ section of emergency response?
- Fly the aircraft
- Analyse the situation - Identify and CONFIRM the nature of the emergency
- Take proper action
What is the purpose of the emergency section in FRCs?
Provide the aircrew with a quick reference in the event of an emergency, gives a list of actions to be taken and in what order?
Info derived from the AFM.
What groups of actions are found on the FRCs?
Immediate actions (bold face)
Other than immediate actions, subsequent actions and considerations, what else is found on emergency FRCs?
Warnings - Statements which, if not closely observed, may result in the loss of life or the aircraft
Cautions - Statements which, if not closely observed, may result in damage to the aircraft or its equipment
What is a Warning in the FRCs?
Statements which, if not closely observed, may result in the loss of life or the aircraft
What is a Caution in the FRCs?
Statements which, if not closely observed, may result in damage to the aircraft or its equipment
What is the difference between a caution and a warning in the FRCs?
If warnings not followed, could result in loss of life or loss of the aircraft
If cautions not followed, could result in DAMAGE to the aircraft or its equipment
What steps must be considered in the ‘Navigate’ part of an emergency response?
Ensure the aircraft is directed into a safe heading away from any potential hazards and towards a safe recovery area.
Pilot must now decide whether
What are the two degrees of urgency when deciding landing action to be taken after an emergency (FW)?
Land As Soon As Possible (ASAP)
Land As Soon As Practicable
Explain Land As Soon As Possible (FW)
Land at the nearest airfield suitable for a safe landing but be prepared to force-land immediately if it becomes necessary
Explain Land As Soon As Practicable (FW)
Land at the nearest airfield where you can land safely and expect practical assistance for your aircraft type (weapons onboard, etc - military airfield)
Explain Land As Soon As Possible (RW)
Do not continue to fly for any longer than is necessary to accomplish a safe landing at the nearest site.
Explain Land As Soon As Practicable (RW)
Land at the nearest aviation location or at a suitable site selected for convenience.
What are the components of an emergency message?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday (or Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan, as appropriate)
Name of station addressed
Type of aircraft
Nature of emergency
Captain’s intentions and assistance required
Present or last known position, flight level/altitude and heading
Pilot qualifications (if relevant, e.g. student pilot)
Any other information
What prefix comes before a distress call?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
What prefix comes before an urgency call?
Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan
What are the Guard Frequencies?
- 500 VHF
243. 000 UHF
Explain Land Immediately (RW)
Land at once, even if this means ditching or landing in the trees. The consequences of continuing to fly are more than likely more harmful than landing at a site that is normally considered unsuitable.
What are the emergency transponder frequencies?
Mode 3A Code 7700 - Emergency
Mode 3A Code 7600 - Comms failure
Mode 3A Code 7500 - Unlawful interference