Chapter 3 Flashcards
Socioeconomic status
A family’s status based on family income, parental education level, parental occupation, and social status in the community. For ex: some families may interact in quiet manner, while others use a loud tone of voice.
A set of beliefs and assumptions shared by a group of people that guide how individuals think, act, and interact on a daily basis. For ex: the way individuals use language is often a reflection of the cultural group to which that person belongs.
Process by which an individual learns his or her own culture. For ex: me learning the Filipino culture.
The process by which the individual learns or adapts to another culture. For ex: me learning Korean
Refers to the mismatch between child socialization and expectations for home language interactions and school language interactions. For ex: two cultures come into contact with each other. When children who are not from the American mainstream culture enter the school system, their experiences may not match educator’s expectations about what they should know or how to display that knowledge.
Basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS)
Language proficiency at a level that requires low cognitive load in situations that are highly contextualized. For ex: 2nd language learners take from 1-3 years to learn face-to face communication.
Decontextualized language
Refers to a language learning environment devoid of significant nonverbal or contextual cues to assist meaning.
Cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)
Language proficiency at a level that required high cognitive load in situations that are decontextualized.
Communicative demands
the expectations of a specific language interaction. for ex: unwritten rules about how children and adults interact.
typically defined as a variation of a language that is spoken by people from a particular geographic area.
A particular nonnative stress on syllables in words, which connotes the influence of a second language. for ex: sound differences
Grammatical Patterns
Rules governed organization of words in sentences
Jim Crow Segregration
The legalized segregation (from about 1900 through the 1960) barring African Americans from public and social interations with whites. for ex: blacks were legally denied access to social and political interactions with mainstream society. blacks couldn’t live where whites live or go to school where whites went to school. etc
code switching
The alternating use of 2 languages at the word, phrase, and sentence levels with a complete break between languages in phonology. In African American English (AAE) code switching refers to alternations in intonation, prosody, and specific grammatical features determined by the situational context. for ex: being able to switch different languages at one time.
individuals speak and understand 2 languages.
elective bilingual
Refers to someone who learns a second language by choice. For ex: those who have studied a foreign language in school.
circumstantial bilingual
someone who becomes bilingual as a result of living in a bilingual environment. May come about because of forced migration or for economic reasons such as traveling to another country to find work. For ex: learning a second language because they have immigrated to another country.
simultaneous bilinguals
2 languages are acquired early in development. families know and use 2 languages at home. for ex: families who know and use 2 languages at home.
sequential bilinguals
A second language is introduced after the primary language is established. for ex: individuals who learn a second language when they go to school or learn a second language as an adult.