Chapter 26.1: Amniotes Flashcards
Reptiles, birds, and mammals are all () that develop in a () sac
amniotes; fluid-filled
The fluid-filled sac contains everything an embryonic vertebrate needs to grow
Some amniotes, the sac is contained inside the (); In others, a tough semipermeable () protects the embryo because it develops () the body
mother’s body; shell; outside
`The development of the () allowed vertebrates to be able to produce on ()
amniotic egg; land
Over time, amniotes have evolved many different () and sizes, which has caused differences among their () and ()
body shapes; anatomy; circulation
The first amniotes walked in a () [similar to a lizard]
Amniotes such as mammals, dinosaurs, and birds evolved a more () stance
Having an upright stance uses less energy than sprawling and separates () and () muscles
breathing; movement
As amniotes evolved, they required more energy for () and ()
movement; growth
More energy caused the need for the development of many types of ()
circulatory systems
All amniotes have two () [() and ()]
circuit blood vessels; pulmonary; systemic
Pulmonary Circuit:
Moves oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs and oxygen-rich blood back to the heart
Systemic Circuit:
Moves oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body
Like amphibians, reptiles have a () heart [two () and one ()]
three-chambered; aria; ventricle
Mammals and birds have a () heart [two () and two ()]
four-chambered; aria; ventricles
Like all organisms, amniotes are more active when they are ()
All living organisms absorb () from the environment and release it
All animals manage () in different ways
Organisms whose body temperatures are determined by their surrounding environment (reptiles; amphibians) (cold-blooded)
Ectotherm’s body temperature fluctuates with the temperature of the ()
Organisms that use their own metabolic heat to keep their tissues warm (humans; mammals) (warm-blooded)
Endotherms may shiver when cold (muscles generate heat) or sweat when hot
Ectotherms (crocodiles) are less active when its (), but can survive on less () than endotherms (lion)
cold; food
Endotherms are active all the time but must () more than ectotherms
Endotherms can live in a wider range of () than endotherms