Chapter 26 - The Seven Factors of Awakening Flashcards
Seven Factors of Awakening
- mindfulness
- investigation of phenomena
- diligence
- joy
- ease
- concentration
- equanimity
mindfulness / 1st Factor of Awakening
smrti = “remembering”
- always has an object: self, others, things
- not something we just keep in our pocket
- our breathing can be a cause and a condition of mindfulness
- no “I” to be found when mindfulness is there
ex: when walking, we sense our feet, and not an “I” that reminds us to be present
smriti = “remembering”
investigation of phenomena / 2nd Factor of Awakening
- being open-minded and allowing things to reveal themselves
ex: bud-> leaf-> mulch-> earth - together with mindfulness, it takes us deeply into life and reality
effort / 3rd Factor of Awakening
- remembering life is a miracle beyond our comprehension
- helping others experience the wonders of life
- has three sources 1) mindfulness 2) investigation 3) faith in the practice
- counterproductive at wrong time/place
ex: overdoing sitting meditation before developing good concentration
ease / 4th Factor of Awakening
- learning ways to bring energy from head to abdomen
- resting (ease) needs to be practised even when not sick
- in poorer countries ease is expressed more easily
joy / 5th Factor of Awakening
- comes from touching refreshing and beautiful things in and outside of ourselves
- can be developed in mind even when body isn’t well
- habit energy often means we look for what’s wrong; the wider picture brings joy
concentration / 6th Factor of Awakening
- mind’s energy collected and directed toward an object
- once one-pointed and still, it quite naturally stays focussed on one object
- needed to generate mindfulness and vice versa
- to be wholesome, object must be too
- not an escape from the world and can shine light on suffering
equanimity / 7th Factor of Awakening
- loving others equally
- “example of the saw” sutra - even if robbers cut your limbs off with a saw…
- Three teachings of Shariputra to transform destructive habit energies and to realise our noblest intention
also an Immeasurable Mind
How are joy and happiness different?
Ex: thirst
* Joy = glass of water offered
* Happiness = glass of water being drunk
What other area of practice does the Buddha recommend in conjunction with the Seven Factors of Awakening?
- the Four Immeasurable Minds
What do those who arrive at letting go have?
- the bud of a half-smile, which proves compassion as well as understanding
What should we practise to realise the Seven Factors of Awakening according to the Buddha?
- the Four Establishments of Mindfulness
What quote from the Buddha highlights most humans’ lack of awareness of the Seven Factors of Awakening that exist in each of us?
“How amazing that all beings have the basic nature of awakening, yet they don’t know it. So they drift on the ocean of great suffering lifetime after lifetime”
What was the Buddha’s teaching on anger with the example of how we should feel even when robbers cut our limbs off with a saw?
- we must bear no hatred in our hearts
- we must utter no unkind words
- we must remain compassionate with no hostility or ill-will
we are not true followers of the Buddha’s teachings if anger arises
Why does Shariputra recommend meditating on the Four Great Elements (earth, water, fire and air) inside and outside our bodies to practise letting go?
- so we see we and they are truly the same
- so our love contains equanimity
In the story of Shariputra’s false accusation and the beginning anew that followed, he declares how he had always strived to practise like the Four Elements, with mindfulness and loving kindness, and offers beginning anew to his accuser, even stating he had not been skilful enough to avert this misunderstanding, and co-responsible, begging for forgiveness. Which of the Six Paramitas does the Buddha wish to illustrate by this?
- Kshanti Paramita
Three teachings of Shariputra to transform destructive habit energies and to realise our noblest intention
- to practise equanimity in the face of harsh words
- to learn not to feel annoyance, bitterness of dejection
- to not feel elated when praised, because we know any praise isn’t for us as an individual, but for many beings including our parents, teachers, friends and all forms of life
From Equanimity / 7th Factor of Awakening