Chapter 15 - Right Concentration Flashcards
Right Concentration
- cultivating one-pointed mind
- becoming the moment
- touching the ultimate
- being aware of sign vs. reality
- maintaining evenness
2 Kinds of Concentration
- active concentration
- selective concentration
Active Concentration
- mind dwells on whatever is happening in the present moment, even as it changes
Selective Concentration
- one object chosen and held onto
Worldly Concentration
as opposed to supramundane concentration
- seeks to escape
Supra-mundane Concentration
as opposed to worldly concentration
- aims at complete liberation
9 Levels of Meditative Concentration
Nine Dhyanas
- (form realm)
- (form realm)
- (form realm)
- (form realm)
- limitless space
- limitless consciousness
- nothingness
- neither perception nor non-perception
- cessation
Four Dhyanas - form realm
- 1st still uses thinking
- 2nd-4th give way to other energies
Four Dhyanas - formless realm
- begin to see the impermanent, non-self and interbeing nature of phenomenal world
- sensual desire and materiality reveal their illusory nature, no longer obstacles
- inter-are: earth/ water/ fire/ air/ space/ time/ nothingness/ perceptions
Limitless Space / object of the 5th level of concentration
- space is only one of the six elements that make up all material things (inter-is with other 5)
- space hasn’t a separate, independent existence
wrong view: everything is space
Limitless Consciousness / object of 6th level of concentration
- consciousness is also earth, water, fire and space
- what is true of space is also true of consciousness
Nothingness / object of 7th level of concentration
- fruit is in flower is in cloud is in etc
- family members contain each other
- going beyond outward appearances or signs and arrive at signlessness
wrong view: the universe contains millions of separate entities
Neither Perception nor Non-perception / object of 8th level of concentration
- recognising everything is produced by our perceptions, which are partly erroneous
- we can’t rely on our old way of thinking to be in touch with reality
- we can’t stop perceiving altogether, but we can know that perception is perception of a sign
- no longer believing in the reality of signs, perceptions become wisdom
- we go beyond signs (non-perception) but we do not become perception-less (i.e. no non-perception)
Cessation / object of 9th level of concentration
- cessation of ignorance in feelings and perceptions, therefore insight arises
- manas is transformed and internal formations in store consciousness are purified
- arhatship
- “this is me, mine, not mine”
- war of consciousness produced by afflictions of impermanence and non-self (greed, hatred, confusion, pride, doubt etc) and always discriminating self from other
- number one discriminator
NB: consciousness has to be transformed rather than thrown away
7th Consciousness
Three Concentrations
- Concentration on Impermanence
- Concentration on Non-self
- Concentration on Nirvana
Concentration on Impermanence
- keeps from getting caught in suffering of craving, attachment and despair
- see and listen to everything with this insight
ex: every time we look at beloved, see him as impermanent and do best to make him happy today
Concentration on Non-self
- touching the interbeing nature in everything we contact
- brings much peace, joy and decreases suffering
Concentration on Nirvana
- helps touch the ultimate dimension of reality
- helps establish oneself in the realms of no-birth and no-death
Four Wisdoms
- Wisdom of Equality
- Wisdom of the Great Mirror
- Wisdom of Wonderful Observation
- Wisdom of Wonderful Realisation
Wisdom of Equality
- seeing interbeing and penetrating nature of things
- comes from manas
- our consciousness has to be transformed and not thrown away
- if we throw everything, even the bad, away, nothing left: no joy, no peace, no nirvana!
- seeing others’ lives as precious as our own as no longer discrimination between self and other
Wisdom of the Great Mirror
- seeing everything in the universe reflected
- maturation of seeds of awakening, love, compassion in store consciousness
- reflects reality of the cosmos
- outcome of vow to save beings as volitional action
- brings the miracles of seeing the Dharmakaya
Wisdom of Wonderful Observation
- seeing interbeing, the one in the many, all manifestations of birth and death, coming and going etc without being caught in ignorance
- transforms manas into the Wisdom of Equality
- helps understand “enemies”
- results from transformation at the base
Wisdom of Wonderful Realisation
- eyes, ear, tongue, nose and body that previously caused suffering become miracles that bring us to the garden of suchness
- using first 5 consciousnesses to serve others
- using 6 senses skilfully to realise good things
Where does the Lotus Sutra tell us we need to dwell?
- in historical and ultimate dimensions at same time
Why can’t concentration be a means to run away from our suffering?
- Because we concentrate to make ourselves deeply present (to our suffering)
Touching the Ultimate
- living every moment of life deeply
According to the poet Ngyuyen Du, what happens as soon as we see with our eyes and hear with our ears?
- we open ourselves to suffering
What is the difference between having the reality and having the sign?
- “Being there” is a concept
Ex: a tour to India to be photographed with the Buddha - The reality touches the ultimate dimension
What are Vietnamese girls said to often be told by their mothers?
- That if they concentrate, they will be more beautiful
- This kind if beauty comes from dwelling in the present moment
- Moving attentively displays freshness and ease
= Right Concentration
2 Levels of Concentration
- worldly concentration
- supra-mundane concentration