Chapter 26- Age Of Anxiety Flashcards
A German interdisciplinary school of fine and applied arts that brought together many leading modern architects, designers, and theatrical innovators.
An artistic movement of the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all accepted standards of art and behavior and delighted in outrageous conduct ( mustache on Mona Lisa)
Dawes Plan
War reparations agreement that reduced Germany’s yearly payments, made payment dependent on economic prosperity, and granted large U.S. loans to promote recovery.
A philosophy that stresses the meaninglessness of existence and the importance of the individual in searching for moral values in an uncertain world.
Built on impressionist motifs of color and light but added a deep psychological element to their pictures, reflecting the attempt to search within the self and reveal ,or express, deep inner feelings on the canvas.( Vincent Van Gogh)
Strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline.
Great Depression
A worldwide economic depression from 1929 through 1939, unique in its severity and duration and with slow and uneven recovery.
I’d, ego, and superego
Freudian terms to describe the three parts of the self and the basis of human behavior, which Freud saw as basically irrational. Comeback to this one.
Logical Positivism
A philosophy that sees meaning in only those beliefs that can be empirically proven, and that therefore rejects most of the concerns of traditional philosophy, from the existence of God to the meaning of happiness, as nonsense.
A label given to the artistic and cultural movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which were typified by radical experimentation that challenged traditional forms of artistic expression.
Modern Girl
Somewhat stereotypical image of the modern and independent working woman popular in the 1920s.
Popular Front
A short-lived New Deal-inspired alliance in France led by Léon Blum that encouraged the union movement and launched a far-reaching program of social reform (in France)
Stream of Consciousness Technique
A literary technique, found in works by Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and others, that uses interior monologue- a character’s thoughts and feeling as they occur- to explore the human psyche.
Surrealists ( Salvador Dalí) were deeply influenced by Freudian psychology and portrayed images of the unconscious in their art. They painted fantastic worlds of wild dreams and uncomfortable symbols.
Theory of Special Relativity
Albert Einstein’s theory that time and space are relative to the observer and that only the speed of light remains constant.
Weimar Republic
A democratic government that would rule Germany for 15 years. Established by the German Social Democratic Party and their liberal allies. ( Gov of Germany after winning)
Age of Anxiety
Overall term of the chapter, great numbers of people felt adrift in continual change after WW1. Radical developments swept through art, literature, psychology, and philosophy. Growing consumer society, and new media and film radio transformed habits of everyday life, political stability=short lived.