Chapter 25: Occupational Nursing Flashcards
Exam 4 (Final)
Occupational HEalth Nurses (OHNs)
They observe and care for the community, group, business, or entire organization.
The specialty of occupational health focuses on:
The specialty of occupational health focuses on the identification and control of such risks to health that occur as a result of physical, chemical, and other workplace hazards.
Exposome is the measure of all the exposures of an individual in a lifetime and how those exposures relate to health
Exposomics is the study of the exposome and relies on the application of internal and external exposure assessment methods
Occupational health is closely allied with
Occupational health is closely allied with the specialty of environmental health, a field of public health science that focuses on how the environment influences human health
ergonomics, the study of the relationship between people and their working environment, which emerged during the 20th century.
Also called biotechnology and human engineering, ergonomics is the applied science of equipment design, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.
In 2020, what was the most common result of workplace hazards?
In 2020, injuries were the most common result of workplace hazards.
What represents both Occupational Health and Environmental Health?
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) represents both specialties.
Occupational/environmental health nursing:
Occupational/environmental health nursing is a specialty that is concerned with the health, safety, and service of individual workers, worker populations, and local community groups.
These nurse specialists focus their practice on the promotion and restoration of health, minimizing risks of illness and injuries, and guarding against occupational and environmental hazards (
What is the earliest record of occupational health nursing? What was is called previously?
The earliest record of occupational health nursing, originally called industrial nursing, began shortly after Florence Nightingale opened the “Nightingale Training School for Nurses” in 1860.
The intent of AAOHN
The intent of AAOHN was to improve occupational health program services while enhancing career opportunities for occupational and environmental health nurses
he Occupational Safety and Health Act: When was it made and what did it do?
In 1970 came the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which established two government agencies, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
The mission of OSHA is:
The mission of OSHA is to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities by setting federal standards regulating workers’ exposures to potentially toxic substances.
The purpose of NIOSH:
The purpose of NIOSH is to help ensure safe and healthy working conditions by conducting scientific research, gathering information, and providing education and training in occupational safety and health.
As AAOHN (2019) explains, “They collaborate with employees, employers, members of the occupational health and safety team, and other professionals to: (4 things)
As AAOHN (2019) explains, “They collaborate with employees, employers, members of the occupational health and safety team, and other professionals to
(1) identify health and safety needs,
(2) prioritize interventions,
(3) develop and implement interventions and programs, and
(4) evaluate care and service delivery.”
Benner (1984) identified five stages of competency in clinical nursing practice:
Benner (1984) identified five stages of competency in clinical nursing practice:
novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert.
Benner (1984) identified five stages of competency in clinical nursing practice: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert.
Within each stage are levels of achievement that are expressed in measurable behavioral objectives.
AAOHN has cross-referenced and stated behavioral objectives for the OHN in three of these stages:
competent, proficient, and expert.
This establishes criteria for individual nurses and those in management positions to maintain their specialty certification and achieve their professional development goals.
The Epidemiologic Triad
very helpful in occupational health nursing practice in order to understand the complex relationships among the workers, hazards in the workplace, and the environment
The Epidemiologic Triad
Each person (host) has their own innate, nonmodifiable characteristics, some of which put them at risk for workplace injury or illness.
For example, age, sex, and ethnicity are nonmodifiable characteristics, whereas lifestyle, work practice, and, to some degree, health status are modifiable characteristics. New workers with less than 1 year of experience are the most susceptible to injury.
The Epidemiologic Triad
The agents in the epidemiologic triad are workplace hazards classified as biologic, chemical, physical, or psychosocial hazards (see Table 25.1).
The Epidemiologic Triad
A workplace walk-through is a technique for an assessment of the workplace.