Chapter 24 - **Musculoskeletal Flashcards
What is the role of the musculoskeletal system?
How many bones are in the body?
Nonsynovial Joints
bones are united by fibrous tissue or cartilage and are immovable or slightly movable
Synovial Joints
are freely movable because joints are separated and enclosed in a joint cavity
enclosed sac filled with viscous synovial fluid located in areas of friction
What % of the body’s weight do muscles account for?
Nucleus Pulposus
semifluid mucoid material in the disc centre that has the consistency of toothpaste
Where does lengthening of bones occur?
epiphyses (growth plates)
loss of bone density
partial dislocation of a joint
shortening of a muscle leading to limited ROM
stiffness or fixation of a joint
audible and palpable crunching or grating accompanying movement
What does a positive Phalen Test show?
carpal tunnel syndrome - along with positive Tinel’s signs
What does a positive McMurray test show?
torn meniscus
What does a positive Laesegue test mean?
herniated nucleus pulposus
What does a positive Ortolani sign show?
hip dislocation in infants
What does a positive Allis sign mean?
hip dislocation by comparing leg length
presence of extra fingers or toes
webbed fingers or toes
What is genu varum and when is it normal?
bowlegged stance, normal for one year after child begins to walk
Genum valgum
knock knees