Chapter 23-24 Central and Southern Africa Flashcards
what did mobutu rename the country
who was the corrupt leader of the dem. rep. of the congo
mobutu sese seko
who built great zimbabwe
what mountain range is on the southeastern coast of South Africa
where did the dutch settle when they arrived in 1652
the cape of good hope
what two major rivers are in central africa
congo and zambezi
what are south africas capitals
pretoria, cape town, and bloemfontein
who was sentenced to life in prison for speaking out against apartheid
nelson mandela
what are the main religions of central africa
roman catholic and protistant
what kind of landforms are the kalahari and namib
which group of people makes up the majority of south Africa’s population
angola and mozambique were controlled by which european country
which climate is found at the cape of good hope
why did the ivory become the main export in the 1800s
because slavery was abolished and people needed a new source of income
what kind of languge did some of the koshian people speak
which countries were the last to gain their independence from a european country
angola and mozambique
what percent of south africas population lives in poverty
who controlled the government of south africa during apartheid
descendants of the colonists that settled at the cape of good hope were called what
how many bantu languges are spoken in south africa today
200 or more
which group became powerful in the 1800s in southern africa
how do plants and animals in the namib desert get their water
dew and fog
which city started as a trading and herding center
great zimbabwe
define veld
open grasslands in south africa
which group traded animal skins, slaves, ivory, and shells
the congo kingdom
what are the different parts of madagacars economy
tourism, coffee, vanilla, sugar, and cloves