Chapter 23, 24, 25 Flashcards
Realism (1850-1890s)
Rejected romanticism
- portrayed life as it was
- representative of the working class
- tended to have Marxist leanings
An emotional reaction against the ideas of the Enlightenment
- engaged and enraged artist
- embodied the emotion of Nationalism
- stressed feelings, emotion, imagination
Impressionism (late 1800s-early 1900s)
- focused on “capturing the moment”
- similar to realism but with emotion
- “photography of art” (approach light/color scientifically)
- not as serious as romanticism/realism
- not as politically charged
Charles X
Leaned toward old regime
-clergy was given control of schools (catholic)
Louis Philippe
The “Citizen King”
The July Monarchy (1830-1848)
-abdicated as a result of the February Revolution
Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)
The “Soul” (of unifying Italy)
- Carbonari (radical Italian group)
- formed Young Italy
Replaced idealism -the politics of reality -Machiavellian -achieve goals through political, practical means (Bismarck)
Crimean War (1853-1856)
France & Britain vs. Russia
Causes: Russian ambition; protect Christians, expand into Crimean
-Austria and Prussia stayed out
Effects: Russia lost influence in Balkans; Concert of Europe ended
Giuseppe Garibaldi
The “Sword”
- unifies the South (1860)
- gives up power to Victor Emmanuel
Count Cavour
The “Mind”
Bismarck (1815-1898)
“The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions…”
but by “Blood and Iron” (Blut unt Eisen)
-had to outmaneuver liberals
Had its immediate origins in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars
- each people had its own genius and its own cultural identity
- every nation, like every citizen, had the right to exist in freedom and to develop its character
Napoleon III
Believed that rebuilding Paris would provide employment, improve living conditions, and testify to the power and glory of his empire
- wanted a tough ruler to provide protection
- his government encouraged the new investment banks and massive railroad construction
- progressively liberalized his empire, giving the Assembly greater freedom, causing political power to slip away from him
Theodor Herzl
Turned from German nationalism and advocated political Zionism
Dreyfus Affair
- case split France apart
- Dreyfus declared innocent
- revived republican feeling against the church
- government severed all ties between the state and the Catholic Church
Bismarck’s attack on the Catholic Church
-means “struggle for civilization”
-Like Bismarck, liberals were particularly alarmed by Pius IX’s declaration of infallibility in 1870 (seemed to ask German Catholics to put loyalty to their church above loyalty to their nation)
In 1878, Bismarck abandoned his attack
Founder of psychoanalysis
- Oedipal: tensions resulting from the son’s instinctive competition with the father for the mother’s love
- defense mechanism: human behavior is motivated by unconscious emotional needs
The Russian zemstvo was a…
Local government assembly
Every people possesses its own cultural traits shaped by ancestral history and the experience of a specific physical environment…