Chapter 22 Flashcards
What is the Hypothalamus
Part of the brain that tells you are hungry
The Feeding Center tells you
You are Hungry
Satiety Center
Glucostatic Theory
Based on concentration of blood
- If blood sugar is low you are hungry
Lipostatic Theory
What they think makes you feel full
- Levels of fatty acids in your blood gets elevated, it makes you feel full
What factors influence your BMR
Age and sex - non modifiable
Activity level - modifiable
Hormones- slightly modifiable
Genetics - Non modifiable
Lean muscle
Is Fat (lipid) a compact storage?
True or False
Only energy intake and level of physical activity can be voluntarily changed?
- What can be changed within a day
- Your body can only store or use the energy
What pathways combined are called metabolism?
Anabolic and Catabolic
What do Catabolic pathways do?
Break large molecules into smaller ones
Body is either in a fed state or a fasting state, there is no in between?
True or false
Fed state or Absorptive state
First 4 hrs of last bite
(Dominant pathway during this time)
Anabolic and Catabolic pathways combined =
Ingested energy may be
Used- work
Stored- Fat, glycogen
Ingested biomolecules have three fates, what are they?
- Energy to do mechanical work
- Synthesis for grown maintenance
- Storage as glycogen or fat
In plasma are nutrient pools available for immediate use?
3 types of Nutrient Pools
Free Fatty Acid Pool
Glucose Pool
Amino Acid Pool
Goals for fasting?
Maintain blood sugar and make atp
Low sugar =
Red Blood Cells don’t have a ______________ do they depend on glucose for energy to stay alive
2 Fuels in the body
Glucose and ketones
Anabolic Pathways
Synthesize larger molecules from smaller ones
Glucose are reserved for
Breakdown of fat
Ketones come from
Your liver
Red blood cells are depended on what to stay alive
Total Body energy=
Energy stored + energy intake - energy output
Energy Output =
Energy used for work + energy used for body heat
3 types of energy work
Transport work
Chemical Work
In the hospital we use indirect calorimetry
Based on your ratio of CO2 to O2
Most of energy work is
Done unconsciously
Energy is stored in
Fat & Glycogen
Which part of your body uses both endocrine and exocrine
Islet of langerhans found in
Found in your endocrine cells
Pancreatic Acini is found in
Exocrine glands
Goal of Fasted state
Maintain Blood Sugar and produce ATP