Chapter 21: Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic System Flashcards
Allen test
determines patency of radial and ulnar arteries
defect or sac formed by dilation in artery wall due to atherosclerosis, trauma, or congenital defect
variation from the heart’s regular rhythm
thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
plaques of fatty deposits formed in the inner layer (intima) of the arteries
blowing, swooshing sound heard through a stethoscope when an artery is partially occluded
the heart’s filling phase
deficiency of arterial blood to a body part due to constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel
lymph nodes
small oval clumps of lymphatic tissue located at grouped intervals along lymphatic vessels
swelling of extremity due to obstructed lymph channel, nonpitting
pitting edema
indentation left after examiner depresses the skin over swollen edematous tissue
profile sign
viewing the finger from the side to detect early clubbing
pressure wave created by each heartbeat, palpable at body sites where the artery lies close to the skin and over the bone
pulsus alternans
regular rhythm, but force of pulse varies with alternating beats of small and large amplitude
pulsus bigeminus
irregular rhythm; every other beat is premature, premature beats have weaker amplitude
pulsus paradoxus
beats have weaker amplitude with respiratory inspiration, stronger with expiration
-the heart’s pumping phase
-s1 at the beginning , S2 at the end
-AV valves will open (pulmonary + aortic)
rapid heart rate, more than 95 beats per minute in the adult
inflammation of the vein associated with thrombus formation
open skin lesion extending into dermis, with sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue
varicose veins
dilated tortuous veins with incompetent valves
Homan’s Sign
dorsiflexion sign. a positive Homan’s sign is calf pain when the foot is dorsiflexed
diabetic foot ulcer
common with diabetes reaction
Raynaud’s phenomenon
smaller arteries to skin constrict excessively in response to cold. limits blood supply and can affect fingers, toes, nose, lips, and ears.
screen for deep vein thrombosis
measure the widest point with a tape measure
4+ edema
very deep pitting, indentation lasts a long time 1-4
skin changes with peripheral arterial insufficiency
thin, shiny skin with loss of hair