Chapter 20 Flashcards
One of the leg’s deep veins is the:
Arteriosclerosis refers to:
thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls.
Palpable inguinal lymph nodes are:
abnormal and indicate the presence of malignant disease
In pulsus paradoxus:
beats have weaker amplitude with respiratory inspiration and stronger amplitude with expiration.
Lymphedema is:
the swelling of an extremity caused by an obstructed lymph channel.
A water-hammer or Corrigan pulse is associated with:
aortic valve regurgitation.
The cervical nodes drain the:
head and neck.
In young children, the thymus gland:
produces T lymphocytes.
Claudication is caused by:
arterial insufficiency.
A patient has severe bilateral lower extremity edema. The most likely cause is:
heart failure
Allen test
test that determines the potency of the radial and ulnar arteries by compressing one artery site and observing return of skin color as evidence of potency of the other artery
defect or sac formed by dilation in artery wall due to atherosclerosis, trauma, or congenital defect
variation from the hearts normal rhythm
thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
plaques of fatty deposits formed in the inner layer (intimate) of the arteries
slow heart rate, less than 50 bests per min in the adult
blowing, swooshing sound heard through a stethoscope when an artery is partially occluded
dusky blue mottling of the skin and mucous membranes due to excessive amount of reduced hemoglobin in the blood
the hearts filling phase
deficiency of arterial blood to a body part due to construction or obstruction of a blood vessel
Lymph nodes
small oval clumps of lymphatic tissue located at grouped intervals along lymphatic vessels
swelling of extremity due to obstruction lymph channel, nonpitting
Pitting edema
indentation left after examiner depresses the skin over swollen edematous tissue
Profile sign
viewing the finger from the side to detect early clubbing
pressure wave created by heartbeat, palpable at body sites where the artery lies close to the skin and over a bone
Pulsus alternans
regular rhythm, but force of pulse varies with alternating beats of large and small amplitude
Pulsus bigeminus
irregular rhythm; every other beat is premature ; premature beats have weakened amplitude
Pulsus paradoxus
beats have weaker amplitude with respiratory inspiration, stronger with expiration
the hearts pumping phase
rapid heart rate more than 95 beats per min in the adult
inflammation of the vein associated with thrombus formation
open skin lesion extending into dermis with sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue
Varicose veins
dilated tortuous veins with incompetent valves
A function of the venous system includes
holding more blood when blood volume increases
Which organs aids the lymphatic system
spleen, tonsils, thymus
Ms T. has come for a prenatal visit. She reports dependent edema, varicosities in the legs, and hemorrhoids. What is the best response?
The symptoms are caused by the pressure of the growing uterus on the veins. They are usual conditions of pregnancy
A patients pulse with an amplitude of 3+ indicates
increased, full
Inspection of a persons right hand reveals a red swollen area. To further assess for infection, you would palpate the
Epitrochlear node
To screen for deep vein thrombosis, you would
Measure the widest point with a tape measure
During the exam of the the lower extremities you are unable to palpate the popliteal pulse, you should
proceed with the exam. it is often impossible to palpate this pulse
You assess a patient who has 4+ edema of the right leg. What is the best way to document this finding?
Very deep citing indentation lasts a long time
You assess a patient for arterial deficit in the lower extremities. After raising the left 12 inches off the table and then having the person sit up and dangle the leg, the color should return in:
10 seconds
A 54 y/o woman with 5 children has varicose veins of the lower extremities. Her most characteristic sign is:
dilated, tortuous superficial bluish vessels
Atrophic skin changes that occur with peripheral arterial insufficiency include
think, shiny skin with loss of hair
Intermittent claudication includes
muscular pain brought on by exercise
A known risk factor for venous ulcer development is
Arteriosclerosis is caused by
loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels
Raynaud phenomenon occurs
in hands and feet as a result of exposure to cold, vibration, and stress