Chapter 2 Lesson 5 Flashcards
movement impairment
State in which the structural integrity of the human movement system is compromised because one or more segments of the kinetic chain are out of alignment
static malalignments
Deviations from ideal posture that can be seen when standing still.
pattern overload
Occurs when a segment of the body is repeatedly moved or chronically held in the same way, leading to a state of muscle overactivity.
altered reciprocal inhibition
Process whereby an overactive/shortened muscle causes decreased neural drive, and therefore less-than-optimal recruitment of its functional antagonist.
synergistic dominance
The process by which a synergist compensates for an inhibited prime mover to maintain force production.
dynamic malalignments
Deviations from optimal posture during functional movements.
relative flexibility
The body’s ability to find the path of least resistance to accomplish a task, even if that path creates dynamic malalignments.
kinetic chain checkpoint
Key points on the body to observe and assess an individual’s static and dynamic posture; feet/ankles, knees, LPHC, shoulders, and head/neck.