Chapter 2 Foundations for the therapeutic process Flashcards
According to ASHA when speech services are offered in hospitals and medical clinics we work to:
Improve quality of life by reducing impairments of body functions and structures, activity limitation, participation restrictions and environmental barriers of the individuals they serve.
-We illicit change via the client
In general the therapeutic process refers to
Procedures designed to heal or cure
However, SLPs are not viewed as healing or curing, we….
we prevent, diagnose, habilitate, rehabilitate, and enhance the skills, activities, structures, and functions of clients.
Broad-based professional procedures, activities, and interactions with clients designed for the intervention of communication disorders.
Not simply correct disorders but facilitate improvement!
What really matters in the therapeutic process
Has a lot to do with the client and how open they are to taking in information, open to change, practice and using it
What is the first step in gaining the client’s trust in the therapeutic process?
development of the SLPs confidence in the profession and in the services being provided to the client
Best way to build confidence is by experience.
Both positive and negative experiences teach
Why is confidence the 1st step in the therapeutic process ?
it is an essential and foundational element in the therapeutic process
Students are encouraged to do 1, 2, and 3 in order to build confidence. What is 1, 2, and 3?
- Gather information
(know your skill set)
2.interpret findings
(take info you know & be able to as a professional and content driven individual and interpret the findings) - Develop conclusions with appropriate rationales
you can begin to understand concepts
related to the profession while building confidence via repeated exercises in what?
in systematic
- questioning (gather info, baseline, build repoire)
- hypothesizing (anticipation for why a client is reacting that way)
- analyzing (: connecting what we know to the experience or response)
- testing (to mark progress or regression)
- reaching conclusions (develop goals, strengthen weakness, plan goals, prompting etc.)
you can begin to understand concepts related to the profession while building confidence.
What are some suggestions to build confidence in the Tx process:
- Read client files from beginning of Tx to ending to
develop a sense of how Tx proceeds. - Talk to former clients or clinicians, if available.
- Develop relationship with professionals for
observations in the same setting.
You need to know baseline, time, and progress!
What are the first 5 confidence boosters?
- Think about, and practice communicative style to introduce yourself.
- Practice your handshake.
- Practice appropriate business eye contact.
- Be sure you are comfortable attire.
- Become familiar with intake data.
- Become familiar with forms.
What are the last 5 confidence boosters
- Plan well for all aspects of Tx – environment.
- Practice the session.
9.Determine if contact with caregivers will be possible.
10 Know the payment arrangements. - Practice as if someone is taking notes on every aspect.
EHA stands for what?
Education for all handicapped children (1975)
(Public Law 94-142).
-This was the first federal law mandating free and appropriate public education for all children w disabilities
-Non-inclusive education.
-Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
=federally mandated document
What is FAPE?
free and appropriate public education
Amended in 1986 (PL 99-457) to include ?
0-5 year olds
EI (Early Intervention) programs under the IFSP
What is a IFSP?
Individualized Family Service Plan
- for children younger than 3 yrs old
- similar to IEP in that they make goals
- run by a social worker
What were the qualifications for IFSP for age 0-2 and age 2-3 ?
Age 0-2: 33% delay based on age equivalent
Age 2-3: 50% delay based on age equivalent
What are the qualifications for an IEP?
for children older than 3 years old
Qualifications: 7th percentile or lower on two tests
They occur annually and triennial
For an IEP what do you do at the annual and triennial mark?
annual: review goals of last year and write new goals
triennial: retested with standardized test and have primary disability is decided & they’re requalified
An IEP gives a child what?
EHA became IDEA when it was amended in 1990. What does IDEA stand for?
Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA).
Provides transportation services.
Extended eligibility to children with autism and TBI.
Added assistive technology devices.
Extended provisions of the LRE – allowed
IDEA 1997 expanded to include
=Expanded to include developmentally delayed children between three and nine years of age.
=It also required parents to attempt to resolve disputes with schools and Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) through mediation, and provided a process for doing so.
=The amendments authorized additional grants for
technology, disabled infants and toddlers, parent
training, and professional development.
When was IDEA 1997 amended ?
On December 3, 2004, IDEA was amended by the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, now known as IDEIA.
What does IDEIA provide?
It authorized fifteen states to implement 3-year IEPs on a trial basis when parents continually agree.
Several provisions aligned IDEA with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
SECTION 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Supported the equitable treatment and rights to services for clients regardless of whether and IEP or an IFSP was in place for the client
President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) on February 17, 2009 that included
Following a campaign promise for “funding the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act”, it included $12.2 billion in additional funds.