Chapter 2: Biological Beginnings Flashcards
evolutionary psychology
emphasizes the importance of adaptation, reproduction, and “survival of the fittest” in shaping behavior
complex molecule with a double helix that contains genetic information
hereditary information composed of DNA; genes direct cells to reproduce themselves and manufacture the proteins that maintain life
threadlike structures made up of DNA
a person’s genetic heritage; the actual genetic material
the way an individual’s genotype is expressed in observed and measurable characteristics
Down syndrome
chromosomally transmitted form of intellectual disability, caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21
epigenetic view
development is the result of an ongoing, bidirectional interchange between heredity and environment
germinal period
2 weeks after conception; includes creation of zygote, continued cell division, and attachment of zygote to uterine wall
embryonic period
2-8 weeks/2 months after conception; rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for the cells form and organs appear
fetal period
2 months after conception and lasts for about 7 months
any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect/negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes
1st stage of childbirth (longest)
uterine contractions are 15-20 minutes apart at the beginning and lasts up to a minute
2nd stage of childbirth
baby’s head starts to move through cervix and birth canal and ends when baby completely emerges from mother’s body
3rd stage (afterbirth)
placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes are detached and expelled
natural childbirth
no drugs given to relieve pain or assist in the birth process; mother is taught to use breathing methods and relaxation techniques during delivery
prepared childbirth
similar to natural childbirth but includes special breathing technique (Lamaze) to control pushing in the final stages of labor and more detailed anatomy and physiology instruction
Apgar scale
assessment of newborn’s health at 1 and 5 minutes after born
postpartum period
period after childbirth when mother adjusts (physically and psychologically) to the process of childbearing; ~6 weeks or until body has completed adjustment and returned to a nearly pre-pregnant state