Do bicycles use a full lane?
No, there may be bike lane on the right of the road - otherwise, they ride close to the right edge of the road. Nonetheless, cyclists are permitted to be on the road when they are turning left from a left-turn lane, or when they are travelling at the same traffic speed.
What does the white road symbol means?
indicates a bike lane
what does the chevron sign means?
indicates the lane is shared
Do motorcycles use a full lane?
Yes, treat them like other vehicles when driving
what is the approx stopping distance for standard vehicles riding at 80 km/h? and for large commercial vehicles at 80 km/h?
- approx 60m - approx 90m
Do horse-drawn vehicles/buggies use a full lane?
No, horse-drawn vehicles/open or closed-buggies typically use the shoulders of the road. They may straddle or enter the paved road only where shoulders are narrow or no shoulder exists.
What is a “bus bay”? What are the 3 types of bus bays?
- bus bay is a stopping area for municipal buses - 3 types: 1. Mid-block indented bus bay 2. Indentation immediately before/after intersections 3. Bus-stop areas btw 2 designated parking areas
What is A?B?C?D?
A - mid-block indented bus bay
B - an identation before an intersection
C - an indentation after an intersection
D - bus stop btw 2 parking areas
Where are the blind spots of large commercial vehicles?