Chapter 2 Flashcards
Nuremberg Code of Ethics
-Established the principle the consent must be informed, competent, and voluntary and that the person giving it must be able to comprehend the situation involved in medical research.
What was the name of one of APA’s sections called
Ethical Standards in Research
APA ethics code includes:
- A set of 5 general principles
- And 89 standard principles
The Five General Principles of APA:
1- Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
2- Fidelity and Responsibility
3- Integrity
4- Justice
5- Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Psychologists must weigh the benefits and costs of the research and ensure that they’re achieving the greater good while doing little harm to others.
Fidelity and Responsibility
Obligates researchers to be aware of their responsibility to society and to always exemplify the highest standards of professional behavior.
Compels researchers to be honest in all aspects of research.
Obligates researchers to treat everyone involved with fairness and to ensure that their work doesn’t show any bias.
Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
A special need for research psychologists to be vigorous in their efforts to maintain confidentiality and protect the participants’ rights.
During a research study, the experimenter faces conflicting requirements:
1- Producing meaningful research that could increase our knowledge about behavior.
2- Respecting the rights and welfare of the study’s participants and causing them no harm.
Measuring meaningful social behavior usually means
Deception, it therefore places a burden on researchers to show their participants will be protected.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Evaluate any ethical concerns that may arise during the proposed research study.
Deception is sometimes necessary to ensure
the accuracy of the research study.
The researcher answers questions that the participants might have and tells them the purpose of the study.
Participant Crosstalk
When the participants in a study talk to other potential participants.
Debriefing serves two purposes:
revealing to participants the true purpose of the study and the hypothesis being tested.
The process of reducing stress and other negative feelings that might have been experienced during the study.
Refers to the surgical procedures conducted on live animals, usually for scientific purposes.
Is the study of human-animal interactions.
Two Major Types of Misconducts in Science:
2-Falsifying data
Data Falsification
Occurs when a scientist fails to collect data and therefore fabricates a data set, or collects some data and manufactures the rest to produce a favorable outcome.