Chapter 10 Flashcards
Observational Research
Focuses on describing behavior.
Advantages of Observational Research
Results are generalizable
Disadvantages of Observational Research
No control
Cannot infer causation
Observer bias
Two Types of Observational Research
1-Naturalistic Observation
2-Participant Observation
Naturalistic Observation
People are observed as they behave in their everyday natural environments here behaviors are assumed to be natural. The experimenter can impose different degrees of structure such as lab observation study.
Participant Observation
The researcher becomes part of the group being observed, including groups that are closed to the outside.
Challenges with Observational Methods:
1-Lack of control
2-Observer bias
3-Subject Reactivity
Lack of Control
you must take what you get, you cannot infer causation.
Observer Bias
the observer might have an idea about what will be observed which could “color one’s perception”. They might only see what they want to see.
Reducing Observer Bias
1-Use good operational definitions for the behaviors of interest.
2-Use a behavior checklist.
3-Videotaping the session
4-Have several observers and determine inter-rater reliability.
5-Sampling procedures
Inter-rater Reliability
The percentage of times that the observers collectively agree.
Sampling procedures
Selecting a subset of possible observations
Time Sampling
Sample behaviour only a pre-defined times rather than maintaining a continuous record of everything that’s happening.
Event Sampling
Only certain events/behaviors are selected for observation while others are ignored.
Individual Sampling
Focus only on certain individuals