Chapter 2 Flashcards
What three episodes of 1951 had Britain been shaped by ?
The Great Depression of 1930
The rebuilding of Britain by store between 1945-51
What were the key features of the post war boom
Food rationing came to an end in July 1954
There was an increase in the birth rate at the end of ww2
Sustained increase in overseas trade
What was the increase in population between 1951 and 1961
By 1961 there were 51 million people 5% more than 1951
What happened to economy during the post war boom
Global economy was booming
What happened to employment in the uk
Plentiful employment
By 1955 it was estimated that full employment was achieved only 200,000 unemployed
What happened to service/ industry
By 1960 there were nearly 5 million people in service/industry
There was an expansion in electrical and engineering work car manafacturing and steel + service industry
What did rab butler do in the run up to the 1955 election
There were 134 million tax cuts, this made people feel more affluent and there was a growth in consumerism
What happened to income during the post war boom
Higher income per head than any country apart from the us
What happened to Britain’s share in world trade
Decreased over the 50s
Although Britain was steadily increasing other countries such as west Germany were Rapidly increasing and doubled its production
What happened to wages in the late 50s
The increase in percentage decreased wages were still increasing but at a steady rate
What is balance of trade
The difference between goods that the country imports and what it exports, if a country imports more than it exports it is said to have a trade defecit
What is balance of payments
This includes invisible exports and imports and includes the balance of trades is apart of the balance of payments
What causes inflation in the late 50s
There was a large growth in wages in the late 1950w the growth in wages was outstripping the rate of production this bought about inflation
How did the government control inflation
The government needed to control excessive spending that would course unwanted increase in imports. The government responded by controlling interest rates, when output decreased they would remove controls
Why was there a financial crisis on 1957
The pressure from the United States after suez caused a run on the pound
How did Peter Thorneycroft respond to the run on the pound
He introduced monetarism which limit wage increases and cut the money supply
Why were some politicians opposed to monetarism
Ian mcleod was so opposed to this because it would lead to increased unemployment and cutbacks in housing, macmillan sided with mcleod
How did MacMillan respond to the financial crisis of 1957
He sided with those who wanted to keep an expansionist economic policy. Thorneycroft proposed spending cuts in 1958 macmillan overruled him causing Thorneycroft to resign
Did the financial crisis cause lasting harm to the Tory government?
Didn’t do lasting harm
Sterling regained its value ageing the dollar the economy expanded so much that the budget of April 1959 provided tax cuts of £370 million pounds, this is accepted as the main reason for MacMillan re election
Why did MacMillan decide that Britain needed to join Europe
Britain was being left behind and it was becoming clear that trade with the commonwealth was not sufficient
What was the pay pause in 1961?
Worries about the economy overheating forced the government to introduce a pay pause to hold down wage inflation
What economic difficulties facing conservatives of 1962
Balance of payments
Stop go
What did Britain do to cut public expenditure
Hundreds of branch lines and thousands of stations were axed causing fudimental social change
Why was it difficult to reduce wage increases
Trade unions