Chapter 2 Flashcards
One-dimensional Model
- attributes causes of behaviour to a single cause
- linear approach
- very few cases ie) alzheimers , huntingtons
Multidimensional Model
-attributes causes of behaviour to several causes
-mental health is multidimensional
-multiple interacting causual factors
(biological, psychological, emotional,developmental, and interpersonal)
-A.K.A. integrative model
-etiology is not just about starting point but also about what continues it
how big of a role nature vs. nurture plays
behaviours influenced by many genes
Diathesis-stress Model
Hypothesis that both inherited tendency (a vulnerability) and specific conditions are required to produce a disorder.
inherited tendency that makes a person susceptible to developing a disorder
- Study of factors other than inherited DNA sequence, such as new learning or stress, that alter the phenotype expression of genes
- environment contributes to genes turning ‘on’ or ‘off’
Gene-environment correlation model / reciprocal gene-environment model
Hypothesis that people with a genetic predisposition for a disorder may also have a genetic tendency to create environmental risk factors that promote the disorder
persona outward appearance
chemical messenger of neurons
Endocrine System
produces hormones and work in conjunction with ANS (ie cortisol)
Neurotransmitter that is active in the central and peripheral nervous system controlling heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, among other functions. Because of its role in the body’s alarm reaction, it may also contribute in general and indirectly to panic attacks and other disorders
Neurotransmitter involved in processing info and coordination of movement as well
as inhibition and restraint; it also assists in the regulation of eating, sexual and aggressive behaviors, all of which may be involved in different psychological disorders.
Its interaction with dopamine is implicated in schizophrenia.
Low serotonin associated with; less inhibition, instability, impulsivity, overreaction, aggression, suicide, overeating, and hypersexual activity
Gamma Aminobutryic Acid (GABA)
Neurotransmitter that reduces activity across the synapse and thus inhibits a range of behaviors and emotions, especially generalized anxiety
Amino acid neurotransmitter that excites many different neurons, leading to action