Chapter 2 Flashcards
What are the two scientific assumptions?
Natural world of matter and law and the supernatural world of spirit and miracle
What are the four systems of scientific knowledge?
Naturalism, rationalism, empiricism, and accuracy
-different ways of collecting data
all parts are a part of a natural order
avoid logical fallacies
observations of actual data
Scientific systems of knowledge
Loss of species from earth. Extinction has always existed throughout human history.
What did the discovery of fossils do?
That species died at different times throughout human history
What are the three problems Christian scientists faced?
Extinction, categorization of various species, and the relationship between adaptation and biogeography
Science and the bible were not matching up
What did Charles Lyell discover?
The earth is very old and is constantly changing over time.
How did Europeans see the bible in the 1800s?
They had a very loose interpretation vs literal
Carl Linnaeus
He changed the categorization of species. We have to compare species with each other and not in comparison to humans
Features inherited from common ancestors despite species having different features from each other
Noah’s Ark
Boat in Ararat-Bible. The idea is that if all species were adapted to different environments then how did they survive in one place with different features catered to different environments.
All humans came from a common ancestor
every race is a separate creation from god
How did polygenism excuse racism?
It said that because some people are not from god so they’re less worthy
primitive people/seen as primitive due to limited technology
What did scientists discover about the stone age?
That fossils from that time are older than the Bible
Natural Selection
A slow process where nature selects which genes that have randomly occurred in a species to carry on in their offspring. The genes that are selected are the ones that helps a species survive in their particular environment.
What was Ernst Heckel inaccurate about?
That Europeans are related to apes through non-white people
Artificial Selection
Humans selecting certain traits they want to pass on to the next generation (humans or other species)
Where species have certain traits that help them survive or die
Charles Darwin
Discovered that all species have a common ancestor and natural selection. Adaptation aka survival of species
Descent with Modification
Darwin’s theory that species evovled on a historical timeline
Transmutation Hypothesis
The idea that all current species came from older and similar species
What did they discover in the 1850s about cells?
all new cells came from old cells->older species
Discovered that all species came from other species
What’s the differnece between Wallace and Darwin
W: Believed humans evolved but had divine help.
D: Only believed in ape ancestry and adaptive divergence.
Ernst Heckel
He believed that we didn’t need a fossil record to prove our lineage to apes because Europeans are related to apes through non-white people
Tower of Babel
Bible says all languages came from this place `
Synthetic Theory of Evolution
Extension of Mendelian genetics and Darwinism. Formal study of how gene pools of different species change and diversify over time which leads to the formation of new species and how they came to be.
What did Ronald FIsher, J.B.S. Haldane, and Sewall Wright discover?
Population genetics (new model diverting from Darwin and Mendel)
a stretch/strand of DNA with a distinct function
Individual genetic composition
Gene Pool
Each species has a general combination of genes that makes that specific species/whole species