Chapter 11 Flashcards
What are stereotypes of “cavemen” that are likely not true?
The last paragraph of the intro provides goals for this chapter. List them below.
Sediment cores
Ice cores
What was significant about the Pleistocene epoch?
Describe glaciation and its impact on oceans and air temperatures.
How do scientists know whether the Earth was in a glacial or an interglacial period?
Below, make a list of the ways glacial periods impact land, the seas, plants and animals.
Below make a list of what happens during interglacial periods.
Using the Olorgesailie region as an example, explain what happened to animals species. What kinds of animals became extinct and why? Which survived and why?
What conclusions can we draw about humans from what we know about animals?
Globular (from chart on page 6)
Retracted face (from chart on page 6)
Nasal aperture
Use the chart on page 6 as well as the description below it that compares Homo erectus, Archaic Homo sapiens and Modern Homo sapiens. Below, describe in general how these three groups differ from one another.
Midfacial prognathism
What do the authors mean when they say that there are regional differences in fossils of archaic Homo sapiens?
Provide an example.
Why is it difficult to identify exactly when archaic Homo sapiens lived?
How did Africa and Europe differ when it came to the end of archaic Homo sapiens and the beginning of modern Homo sapiens?
Retromolar gap
Occipital bun
Infraorbital foramina
Where and when did Neanderthals live?
What was unique about the environment Neanderthals lived in compared to other hominin groups?
Describe some of the unique physical features Neanderthals had and explain how those features likely benefitted them.
What part of the brain was well-developed in Neanderthals compared to modern humans?
Mousterian Tools
Levallois technique
Flexed position
Grave goods
How were Mousterian tools notable different than Acheulan tools?
How did Neanderthal use of those tools differ from how Homo erectus used tools?
Describe how Neanderthals hunted and how meat was a significant part of their diet.
What else did Neanderthals eat?
What do injuries found on Neanderthal skulls tell us about their lives?
What evidence do we have that Neanderthals cared for sick and/or disabled members of their group?
What might Ochre and manganese reveal what about Neanderthal culture?
Why is it possible for us to know more about Neanderthals than other hominin groups?
What does genetic analysis reveal about Neanderthal appearance?
What else do we know about Neanderthal behavior?
What evidence is there that Neanderthals spoke?
What specific differences are there between brains of Neanderthals and modern humans?
How were children of Neanderthals and humans notably different?
What does the fact that Neanderthal remains show evidence of “handedness” mean for Neanderthal development and intelligence?
What is unique about African fossils (as they compare to Neanderthal fossils)?
Describe what researchers know about tool use in Africa.
What are some reasons that MSA culture may have been more complex than Neanderthal culture?
Below, write a timeline that shows when Neanderthals lived, when modern humans left Africa and when Neanderthals disappeared from the fossil record.
What evidence is there that shows Neanderthals and moderns humans interbred?
Sum up the major arguments given for the disappearance of Neanderthals.
Where and when did Denisovans live?
What populations today have Denisovan DNA?
What special adaptation did they pass on to modern humans?
Out-of-Africa Hypothesis
Multiregional Continuity Hypothesis
Assimilation Hypothesis
Based on the introductory paragraph, what will you learn in this special Topics section?
High-coverage sequences
What did the 1997 gene sequencing of a Neanderthal-like specien show?
Why is it significant that a genome be sequenced multiple times?
Endogenous aDNA
Exogenous DNA
5 prime end
3 prime end
High throughput sequencing
What is involved in extracting aDNA?
What are some of the challenges of working with aDNA?
What impacts how well aDNA is preserved?
What has high throughput sequencing allowed scientists to do?
How can scientists determine the ages of the specimens they find?
What major conclusions did researchers come to about Denisovans?
Synonomous mutations
Non-synonymous mutations
Use as many terms in the middle column that you can to explain how researchers know that Neanderthals and Denisovans had small population sizes at the end of their existence.
Divergence time
What modern populations have Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA?
What did researchers learn when they studied divergence time between modern humans and Neanderthals?
How do we know hybridization occurred in Africa?
What did researchers learn from Ust’-Ishim?
F1 Hybrid
F2 Hybrid
Backcrossed hybrid
Oase 1
Use the terms in the middle column to explain how researchers are able to determine if a specimen is a hybrid.
Introgressed genes
How much of a person’s DNA is likely Neanderthal if that person is not African?
Where do modern populations have Denisovan DNA?
The process of determining if DNA is introgressed is complicated, but pretend you are explaining this process to a 15 year old. What would you say?
Introgression deserts
Explain the concept of introgression deserts and what that might mean about relationships between modern humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
Why might hybridization have been a barrier to gene flow?
How did hybridization likely help modern humans as they moved into European and Asian environments?
What traits may have come from Neanderthals?
What are some rewards and challenges of studying DNA extracted from sediment?
Describe Homo naledi’s physical features. Which were like modern humans and which were not?
What was surprising about Homo naledi?
What questions do the location of the bones raise?
Liang Bua
Insular dwarfing
What physical features did Homo floresiensis have?
What was unique about them?
What do we know about how they likely lived?