Chapter 19 shaping Flashcards
The process of systematically and differentially reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal behavior.
The end product of shaping—___ ___________ _______—can be claimed when the topography, frequency, latency, duration, or amplitude/magnitude of the target behavior reaches a predetermined criterion level.
A terminal behavior
Two key procedural components of shaping are _____________ __________, and ___________ __________.
differential reinforcement and successive approximations.
A procedure in which reinforcement is provided for responses that share a predetermined dimension or quality, and in which reinforcement is withheld for responses that do not demonstrate that quality
Differential reinforcement
- Responses similar to those that have been reinforced occur with greater frequency, and
- Responses resembling the unreinforced members are emitted less frequently (i.e., they undergo extinction).
Two effects of Differential reinforcement
The dual effects of differential reinforcement result in ________ _________, the emergence of a new response class composed primarily of responses sharing the characteristics of the previously reinforced subclass.
Response differentiation,
The gradually changing criterion for reinforcement during shaping results in a succession of ___ ________ _______, or __________ ____________, each one closer in form to the terminal behavior than the response class it replaces.
new response classes or successive approximations
Behavior can be shaped in terms of:
Topography, Frequency, Latency, Duration, and Amplitude/Magnitude
Form of the behavior
Number of responses per unit of time
The time between the onset of the antecedent stimulus and the occurrence of the behavior
Total elapsed time for the occurrence of the behavior
Duration, and
Response strength or force
Shaping behavior _______ _________ ________ ___________ means that select members of a response class are differentially reinforced, whereas members of other response classes are not reinforced.
across different response topographies
Shaping a behavior ______ a ________ ________means that the form of the behavior remains constant, but differential reinforcement is applied to another measurable dimension of the behavior.
within a response topography
In _________, the antecedent stimulus stays the same, while the response progressively becomes more differentiated
In _________ ______, The antecedent stimulus changes gradually, while the response stays essentially the same.
stimulus fading
- Using a discriminative stimulus,
- A vocal prompt,
- Physical guidance,
- An imitative prompt, or priming.
Any prompt that is introduced is later faded
Ways to improve efficiency of shaping.
A science-based system for shaping behavior using positive reinforcement.
Clicker training
A handheld device that produces a click sound when a metal tab is pressed, provides the signal that when a behavior is being performed in the presence of the click, reinforcement follows
The clicker
________- sources of distraction during shaping enhances the effectiveness of the process