Chapter 19 Flashcards
Nonverbal communication
Even if you are not saying something, what you are thinking will show itself at all times. Make sure you are aware of your body at all times so that you can create a comfortable work environment for you and your client.
Active listening
Your client will know when you are not listening to them, trust me. Always practice active listening and respond to your clients appropriately so that you two can have the most effective communication possible.
Ask questions
A way of showing that you are actively listening to your client is to ask them questions in return. Ask your client open-ended questions so that they have a chance to respond as well as express their point of view instead of closed-ended questions that only require a simple yes or no answer.
Is oftentimes a good idea to reflect the question that a client asks you. This not only shows that you are listening but also clarifies what was said.
Specific (SMART)
This is a goal that is clearly defined in a way in which anybody can find out what the desired outcome is. For example, I really want to lose 5 pounds.
Measurable (SMART)
This basically means that is it is quantifiable. Taking circumference measurements, body fat measurements, weighing etc.
Attainable (SMART)
A good middle ground between attainable but not so hard that it is not attainable.
Realistic (SMART)
This is something that your client is able as well as willing to work towards.
Timely (SMART)
Being able to set a specific date to complete. Once again, a good middle ground between not too far in the distant future, and not too soon either. A good time period to start with this is three months.
Positive self talk
This includes finding things that your client likes to do and getting them to feel the same way in regards to exercise. Overall, many people have super negative ideas when it comes to workout programs, exercises, and equipment.
Psyching up
This includes finding the drive that motivates your clients. This does not have to be health or fitness related either. It can be music or work-related if needed. This is all about finding what motivates your clients and keeping that motivation during the workout with them. Over time they will feel more and more comfortable and motivated to exercise, even if you are not there.
can be a very powerful tool. Having your client imagine themselves performing exercise over and over again, eventually, they will believe that they can.
What 6 actions can be taken to make a positive first impression?
Make eye contact, introduce yourself, smile, shake hands, remember client names, use positive body language
What qualities are important to emphasize as a personal trainer?
Look professional, build relationships, listen, maintain confidentiality, ensure safety
What are 4 key predictors of exercise participation and adherence?
Number of options, support from outside environment, convenience and location, cost