Chapter 18 - Diganostic Sampling book - some lecture Flashcards
What should be done before the administration of fluids and/or medications?
blood and urine samples
What can alter blood or urine laboratory values?
administration of fluids and recent ingestion of high-fat or high-protein meal
What are some factors that determined the route used when administering fluids and medication?
patient’s condition and temperament, types of medication or fluid, urgency involved in administering fluid or medication, cost, ease of administration, and whether a systemic or local effect is desired
Pulverized tablets and the contents of capsules can be mixed with?
a small volume of food, water, or flavored liquid
How should liquid medication be administered when using a syringe or dropper?
the patient’s lower lip is pulled out at the commissure
The tip of the syringe or dropper is placed between the cheek and the gums
Small volumes of liquid are injected
Muzzle should be held at a neutral angle and not elevated
An animal that will not consume baited food is medicated how?
by tilting the head back, prying open the jaws, and placing the pill far back on the base of the tongue
Then hold muzzle closed, rub under animal’s chin, tap the tip of the nose, or blow air into the nostrils to stimulate the animal to swallow
What should you do after giving a dry pill?
follow up with administration of liquid via a syringe such as flavored liquid (chicken broth or tuna juice)
Why is it best to follow up with liquid after giving a dry pill?
because it takes minutes for some medication to travel down the esophagus which can cause irritation and esophageal strictures (a condition in which the diameter of the esophagus is made narrow by scar tissue)
What is orogastric intubation?
placing a tube through the mouth and into the distal esophagus or stomach
Why would you need to do a orogastric intubation?
administer medication, food, or fluids, activated charcoal solutions or to lavage the stomach to treat animals that have ingested toxins.
Neonates that are orphans or too weak to nurse can be fed milk replacer this way.
Can be used to decompress a patient with gastric dilatation (bloated stomach)
What type of tube is used to do a orogastric intubation and how long should it be?
10 to 22 French plastic or rubber tube is used and then you need to measure from tip of nose of animal to the 13th rib - then mark this distance on the tube with tape or ink
If the tube for a orogastric intubation is to be placed in the distal esophagus to feed an animal what is the distance needed?
measure the distance between the tip of the nose and the 8th rib and mark the distance on the tube with tape or ink
What should be used to lubricate a tube for a orogastric intubation?
water-soluble gel is used to lubricate the tip of the tube
What should be verified, when doing a orogastric intubation prior to introduction of any medications or fluids?
Correct placement of the tube in the gastrointestinal tract
How is fluid added to the tube for a orogastric intubation?
with a 60-mL syringe, a metal drench pump, or a funnel
What is the technique used to prevent backflow of fluid when removing the tube after doing a orogastric intubation?
Bend the tube to occlude (stop or close up) it and then is withdrawn in a downward direction
What is a transdermal patch with fentanyl citrate used for?
analgesics placed on shaved, dry region of the skin
What can be used to desensitize the skin before a venipuncture?
a topical application of cream such as EMLA cream, lidocaine, and prilocaine). Creme must be on skin for at least several minutes (ideally 30-60 min.) for it to reach its maximal effectiveness
How do you administer medication intrarectally?
a gloved,lubricated finger is used to insert the tablet into the rectum a distance of at least 5 cm - the medication is then gradually absorbed
Antiseizures drugs such as diazepam can be given _____ if an IV or intranasal administration is difficult to perform.
How do we administer antiseizure drugs intrarectally?
a lubricated short rubber feeding tube or a urinary catheter is inserted 8 to 10 cm into the rectum.- after drug is injected through the catheter, several milliliters of warm water are then flushed into the catheter to disperse the drug
What is the preferred site for most SC (subcutaneous) injections?
dorsolateral region from the neck to the hips
Where should insulin be injected?
a fold of skin is tented, and the needle is inserted at the base of and parallel to the long axis of the fold.
When is the intramuscular route used?
appropriate for the injection of small volumes of medication
What is never used as a site for intramuscular injections?
the neck
What area is not recommended for thin animals as an injection site?
lumbosacral muscles
“When injections are made into the semimembranous or semitendinosus muscles, the needle should enter the lateral aspect of the muscle and be directed caudally to prevent penetration of the _______ nerve.
Most ventipunctures in cats and dogs are performed with _____ gauge needles.
Larger-gauge needles, such as 20- and 18-gauge, may be used in _____ breed dogs and in most farm animals.
When are smaller gauge needles used (25- to 28-)?
Give an example of a situation?”
with smaller vessels, fragile vessels, or multiple venipuncture
When trying to establish a blood glucose curve
How long do you apply pressure over the venipuncture site? What should the site be monitored for?
at least 30 seconds bleeding or hematoma formation for several minutes
Where is an alternative, less painful area to collect a sample?
marginal ear vein
What does occlude mean?
stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage)
What does distend the vein mean?
swell or cause to swell by pressure from inside
Before a Venipuncture, what would you use 70% isopropyl alcohol for?
helps remove some superficial skin contaminants, causes vasodilatation (improves visualization of the vein)
What would be an example of a procedure where you need to take blood from the marginal ear vein?
to check for erthroparasitic organisms, or where a diabetic pet owner could check blood glucose levels
Where is the marginal ear vein located?
visualized as it courses around the periphery of the dorsal aspect of the pinna
How do you collect a capillary sample from the pinna?
the pina of the ear is warmed with a heated cloth, a light source, or your hands to help vasodilate the marginal ear vein. Then wipe with a small amount of alcohol. A 23-gauge needle or lancet is used to nick the vein and the pinna is massaged until a sufficient drop of blood is obtained
After collecting sample from the pinna, pressure should be applied to the puncture site for approx. ______ seconds.
15 seconds
What is a heparinized capillary tube?
a capillary tube that contains heparin which renders blood incoagulable (can’t clot)
Urine is most often collected for?
gross and microscopic analysis and for culture if indicated
How much urine is needed for a quantitative urinalysis?
7 - 10 mL
How long can you let a urine sample sit before it needs to be refrigerated?
within 30 min. of obtaining sample
What is thoracocentesis?
a procedure that may be used to diagnose or treat pleural filling defects (pneumothorax or pleural effusion)
What is needed to do a thoracocentesis procedure?
sterile gloves, over-the-needle catheter: 2 inch (5.08 cm) to 5 inch (12.7 cm), intravenous extension tubing, three-way stopcock, syringe, scalpel blade #15, Lidocaine 2%, clippers, antiseptic scrub and solution, vacutainer blood tubes:lavender-top EDTA and red-top clot tubes, and culture transport media