Chapter 18 Cardiac emergencies Flashcards
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
A blanket term used to represent any symptoms related to lack of oxygen (ischemia - Inadequate blood supply to an organ) in the heart muscle. Also called cardiac compromise.
- Refers to any time the heart may not be getting enough oxygen.
- Ex: coronary artery may become narrowed or blocked, one way valve may stop working properly, or the specialized tissue that carries electrical impulses may function abnormally
Signs and Symptoms
- pain in the center of the chest - described as Crushing, Dull, Heavy, or Squeezing
- Dyspnea
- sudden onset of sweating, nausea, and vomiting
- Commonly radiates to arms (left more then right)
- Anxious feeling
- Nausea and pain in upper abdomen
- High or low HR (lower then 60, higher then 100)
- Hypotension or hypertension (lower then 90, higher then 140 - systolic)
- Position of comfort
- O2 Administration if SpO2 is less then 94%
- Artificial ventilation if patient is in respiratory failure
- Transport immediately
- Give patient Nitro if: complains of chest pain, history of cardiac problems, patients physician prescribed nitro, patient has nitro w/him, patient has systolic BP of 90+, patient hasn’t taken ED meds, medical direction authorizes!
- Repeat a dose in 5 minutes if: No relief, or partial relief, BP is still greater then 90, medical direction authorizes
- MAX of 3 doses reassessing patient
- Give aspirin if: Chest pain, not allergic, no history of asthma, not taking meds to prevent clotting, no other contraindications to aspiring, alert enough to swallow, medical direction authorizes
Coronary Artery Disease
When coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked, blood flow is reduced, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart.
- often result of the build up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of arteries
- Plaque - fats and other particles - calcium can be deposited to site of plaque, causing are to harden
a clot formed of blood and plaque attached to the inner wall of an artery or vein (Grew there)
Blockage, as of an artery, by fatty deposits
Blockage of a vessel by a clot or foreign material brought to the site by the blood current (flew there)
heart muscle
The dilation, or ballooning, of a weakened section in the arterial walls
- can be rapid, life threatening internal bleeding when rupture occurs
- Death from shock can occur very quickly
- Two most common sites for aneurysms are the Aorta and the Brain
Electrical Malfunctions of the heart
will generally result in dysrhythmia
- an irregular or absent heart beat
- rhythm that may be present with no pulse like: V-fib, V-tach, systole
Angina Pectoris
Pain in the chest occurring when blood supply to the heart is reduced and a portion of the heart muscle is not receiving enough oxygen
- usually comes on after stress or exertion
- seldom does this pain last longer then 5 mins
- possession of nitroglycerin is an indicator that patient has a history with this
- patients usually allowed to take 3 doses in 10 min span before calling for help
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)
the condition in which a portion of the myocardium dies as a result of oxygen starvation; often called a heart attack by laypersons
- brought about by narrowing or occlusion of coronary arteries or a coronary aneurysm
- medication called Fibrinolytics - dissolves the clot that is blocking the coronary artery
- another procedure to help is use of a Balloon angioplasty or Balloon catheterization is inserted to unclog coronary artery
- use of beta blockers (medication that slows the heart and makes it beat less strongly)
Sudden death
a cardiac arrest that occurs within 2 hours of the onset of symptoms. the patient may have no prior symptoms of coronary artery disease - 25% of patients have no previous history of cardiac problems
Beta Blockers
medication that slows the heart and makes it beat less strongly
Congestive Heart Failure
the failure of the heart to pump efficiently, leading to excessive blood or fluids in the lungs, the body, or both - fluid buildup causes edema - may be brought about by: diseased heart valves, hypertension, or some sort of COPD such as emphysema Signs and Symptoms - Tachycardia - dyspnea - normal or elevated BP - cyanosis - diaphoretic - pulmonary edema - anxiety (caused by hypoxia) - pedal edema - JVD - Enlarged liver/spleen with Abdominal Distention
Cardiac arrest
1-2% of calls are cardiac arrest
Chain of Survival
- Recognition and activation of the emergency response system
- immediate high quality CPR
- rapid defibrillation
- basic and advanced EMS
- ALS and post arrest care
- Teamwork
- Coordination
Max time someone can go without defibrillator (rapid Defibrillation)
no longer then 8 minutes, virtually no patient survives cardiac arrest
AlS and Post arrest care
elements of this approach are:
- maintaining adequate O2
- avoiding hyperventilation
- performing a 12-lead ECG
- finding and managing treatable causes of arrest
- determining the appropriate destination for patient
- possibly inducing hypothermia (cooling patients body to 90-93 degrees for 12-24 hrs
AED means
Automated external defibrillator
Two Types of AEDs
- Semi automatic
- advise the operator to press button that will cause the shock
- what is used in the field - Fully automatic
- do not advise the operator to shock because they deliver the shock automatically
Two types of AEDs with different types of shock delivered
- monophasic defibrillator
- sends a single shock (what monophasic means)
- from negative pad to positive pad - Biphasic defibrillator
- send the shock first in one direction then the other
- adjust the energy accordingly
- what is used in the field
whats the two most important shock rhythms
- Ventricular fibrillation (Vfib)
2. Ventricular tachycardia (V-Tach)
Ventricular fibrillation (Vfib)
a condition in which the hearts electrical impulses are disorganized, preventing the heart muscle from contracting normally
- 50% of patients in cardiac arrest will be in Vfib if ems arrive in first 8 minutes
Ventricular tachycardia (V-Tach)
a condition in which the heartbeat is quite rapid; if rapid enough, ventricular tachycardia will not allow the hearts chambers to fill with enough blood between beats to produce blood flow sufficient to meet the body’s needs
Two rhythms that are nonshockable
- Pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
2. Asystole
Pulseless electrical activity
a condition in which the hearts electrical rhythm remains relatively normal, yet the mechanical pumping activity fails to follow the electrical activity, causing cardiac arrest
a condition in which the heart has ceased generating electrical impulses, commonly called flatline
Patient Assessment (cardiac arrest)
- primary assessment - C.A.B.
- no more then 10 seconds to verify pulse, apnea (no breathing), or agonal breathing (irregular, gasping) and absence of movement/life
- look for external blood loss - resume CPR,
- gather history (OPQRST & SAMPLE)
- do not let history info slow down compressions or defibrillation
Patient Care (Cardiac Arrest)
- begin/resume high quality CPR
- apply AED
- adults upper right chest to lower left ribs
- Children that didn’t hit puberty on pediatric mode; place pads on front and back of body - Bare patients chest
- shave if necessary - AED turn on
- Attach pads then attach wires to AED
- analyzing “clear”
- If AED advises shock “shock patient”
- immediately begin CPR after shock
- reassess every 2 mins
Return of Spontaneous Circulation
When providing CPR 4 essentials are
- Compression must not be interrupted for more then 10 secs
- compressions should be 2-2.4inches deep
- rate should be 100-120 per min
- personnel should rotate to prevent rescuer fatigue
Contraindications using a defibrillator
- pads won’t fit patient without touching
- patient has serious traumatic injury and is in cardia arrest (most likely due to severe blood loss
- hypothermia -
- Do not defib if patient is soaking wet
- do not defib if patient is touching anything metallic that other people are touching
- if nitroglycerin patch seen take off before defib use
- be sure to say “Clear” every shock
Implants and surgeries
- pacemaker - do not place pads on pacemaker
- implanted defibrillator - acts as pacemaker and defibrillator
- Ventricular assist device - pumps blood for the heart continuously giving patient no pulse
- do not do chest compressions on these patients unless medical directions says so
Two CPR devices
- LUCAS CPR device
2. Auto Pulse CPR device
Terminating resuscitation
once starting resuscitation you must continue until:
- ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) occurs
- ROSC and breathing occurs
- transfer of care happens
- you are too exhausted to continue (only in one rescuer attempts)
- you receive a no resuscitation order from medical direction
- 3 criteria
- the arrest was not witnessed by EMS,
- there has been no ROSC after three rounds of CPR and rhythm checks,
- AED did not detect shockable rhythm and did not deliver any shocks
- 3 criteria
Procedure using balloons
use of a Balloon angioplasty or Balloon catheterization is inserted to unclog coronary artery