Chapter 18 Flashcards
Identify the location on the map.

Identify the location on the map.

Identify the location on the map.

North Sea
Find Scotland.

Find London.

Find the North Sea.

Saxon king of England after the Danish period
Edward the Confessor
assisted in Macbeth’s downfall; helped the church
Edward the Confessor
leader of Norwegian pirates defeated by the English
king of Scotland; killed by Macbeth
Duncan’s son
drove Macbeth out and retook throne
Scottish nobelman; killed Duncan to take throne
famous play by Shakespeare
great church of London
Westminster Abbey
rebuilt by Edward
Westminster Abbey
“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage”
“I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet.”
How was Edward important to the development of Christianity in England?
As well as being himself an example of a just and pious ruler, he built many churches and monasteries around England and rebuilt the famous Westminster Abbey.
Identify the location on the map.

Identify the location on the map.

Guadalquiver River
Find Morocco.

Find the Guadalquiver River

the leper who appeared to Rodrigo in a vision
St. Lazarus
El Cid
Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar
El Campeador
Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar
defeated the Moors at Valencia
Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar
the constituent kingdoms of Spain in the Middle Ages
Castile, Leon, Aragon
king of Castile; chose El Cid to do single combat with the champion of Aragon
Fernando of Castile
son and successor of Fernando
banished El Cid
named for the Roman Emperor Augustus; it is a corruption of the words “Caesar Augustus”
“Because I have breathed upon thee, thow shalr accomplish whatever thow shalt undertake in peace or in battle.”
St. Lazarus
to defeat in battle
to rush out from a fortified position
Describe Rodrigo’s vision at the inn and its predictionsgo was
During the night, Rodrigo was awakened by breath on his back. The leper was gone, but the vision of St. Lazarus appeared, predicting that Rodrigo would accomplish whatever he attempted in peace or battle.