Chapter 16: Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism Flashcards
Insulin produced in the fed state leads to
- Anabolism
- Glycolytic flux/glycogen synthesis
- Works by dephosphorylation
Glucagon produced in the fasting state leads to
- Catabolism
- Glycogen break down
- The storage form of glucose
Glucose residues linked by
- Alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds
- Alpha-1,6-glycosidic bond every 10 residues
In muscle, glycogen serves as
- An energy store for the synthesis of ATP
In the liver, glycogen functions as
- A glucose reserve to maintain blood sugar levels
Glycogen stores are depleted after
- After 2 days when when gluconeogenesis is the major source of blood glucose
- Glucose transporter present on muscle cell
- Sensitive to insulin
- In the cytoplasm > insulin stimulation gets it to membrane
Glycogen phosphorylase cleaves
- Only alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds in glycogen
Two interconvertible forms of glycogen phosphorylase
- Glycogen phosphorylase A
- Glycogen phosphorylase B
Glycogen phosphorylase A is the
- More active form
Glycogen phosphorylase B is the
- Less active form
- Requires AMP
Glycogen phosphorylase B is converted to A by
- Phosphorylation
- Glycogen phosphorylase kinase (Ca+ dependent)
Glycogen phosphorylase A is converted to B by
- Protein phosphatase I
3 components involved with regulation of glycogen degradation in muscle
- G-6-P
Cleavage of alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds in glycogen requires
- Pyridoxical phosphate prosthetic group
Glycogen phosphorylase is controlled by
- Reversible phosphorylation
Glucose shifts T to R equilibrium toward
- T state
Epinephrine promotes
- Glycogen degradation in muscle
Hormones regulation mechanism
- Covalent modification
Main source of epinephrine in glycogen degradation in muscle
- Adrenal medulla
Epinephrine binding site
- B-adrenergic receptor on muscle cells
Binding of epinephrine to B-adrenergic receptors on muscle cells activates
- Adenylate cyclase
cAMP stimulates
- Pr K A
Phosphorylation stimulates glycogen phosphorylase kinase that …
- Phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase b > a activation
Glycogen degradation process
- Glycogen degradation > G-1-P > ATP formation (3)
Regulation of glycogen synthesis in muscle occurs via
- Covalent modification