Chapter 15 Key terms Flashcards
Normal loss of visual acuity with aging, especially the ability to focus the eyes on near objects
premenopausal phase
the stage of menopause during which estrogen levels fall somewhat, menstrual periods are less regular, and anovulatory cycles begin to occur
The cessation of monthly menstrual cycles in middle-aged women
Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
A set of disease processes in the heart and circulatory system
Semantic Memories
Recollections of general knowledge, facts, and word meanings
The ability to produce original, appropriate, and valuable ideas and/or solutions to problems
postmenopausal phase
the last stage of menopause; a woman is postmenopausal when she has had no menstrual periods for at least a year
Narrowing of the arteries cause by deposits of plaque a fatty substance
Alcohol use Disorder (AUD)
Physical and psychological dependence on alcohol
selective optimization with compensation
the process of balancing the gains and losses associated with aging
loss of bone mass with age, resulting in more brittle and porous bones
episodic memories
recollections of personal events
perimenopausal phase
the stage of menopause during which estrogen and progesterone levels are erratic, menstrual cycles may be very irregular, and women begin to experience symptoms such as hot flashes
the years of middle or late adulthood in both men and women during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost
normal loss of hearing with aging, especially of high-frequency tones
type A personality pattern
A personality type associated with greater risk of coronary heart disease. It includes competitive achievement striving, a sense of time urgency, and, sometimes, hostility or aggressiveness