Chapter 11 Key Terms Flashcards
Personal Fable
The belief that the events of one’s life are controlled by a mentally constructed autobiography
Systematic problem-solving
The process of finding a solution to a problem by testing single factors
Collective term for the physical changes that culminate in sexual maturity
Secondary sex Characteristics
Body parts such as breasts in females and pubic hair in both sexes
Programme for International Student assessment (PISA)
A worldwide assessment of how well 15-year-olds can apply their academic ability to solve real-life problems
Primary Sex Characteristics
The sex organs: Ovaries, uterus, and vagina in the female; testes and penis in the male
A person whose psychological gender is the opposite of his or her biological sex
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
An infection of the female reproductive tract that may result from a sexually transmitted disease and can lead to infertility
Task Goals
Goals based on a desire for self-improvement
Ability Goals
Goals based on a desire to be superior to others
Secular Trend
The decline in average age of menarche, along with changes such as an increase in average height for both children and adults, that happened between the mid-19th and mid-20th centuries in Western countries and occurs in developing nations when nutrition and health improve
Anorexia Nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by self-starvation
Formal operational stage
The fourth of Piaget’s stages, during which adolescents learn to reason logically about abstract concepts
The transitional period between childhood and adulthood
Imaginary Audience
An internalized set of behavioural standards usually derived from a teenager’s peer group
Hypothetical-Deductive reasoning
The ability to derive conclusions from hypothetical premises
An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging
The beginning of the menstrual cycle
Pituitary Gland
Gland that triggers other glans to release hormones
Adrenal Androgen
responsible for some changes at puberty, particularly the development of secondary sex characteristics in girls
Major differences between boy and girls in adolescence
show signs of secondary ex characteristics 1-2 years earlier than boys, growth spurt typically comes earlier in girls, gain majority of height by 16 girls, boys grow 18-20 yrs, muscle fibres in boys are thicker, fat proportion to muscle rises in females and decreases in males, greater capacity for sustained physical effort in both but more so in boys
why increase in risky behaviours?
help gain peer acceptance and autonomy, lack of maturity in the prefrontal cortex and other brain structures
Risk factors for Eating Disorders
discrepancy between the person’s internal image of desirable body and her or his perception of their own body, emphasis on thinness as attractive characteristic, General tendency towards distorted thinking and need for control.
Three other contributing factors to suicide
some triggering stressful event, an altered mental state, opportunity presents itself
Naïve Idealism
a mental construct of an ideal world as compared to the real world
Adolescent egocentrism
the belief that one’s thoughts beliefs, and feelings are unique
Task Goals
based on personal standards and a desire to become more competent, personal control more positive attitude toward school
Ability Goals
define success in competitive terms, students may adopt relative standards- good means beating someone else, more likely than others to attribute success and failure to force outside themselves