Chapter 13 key terms Flashcards
Secondary Aging
Age-related changes that are due to social and environmental influences, poor health habits, or disease
Dialectical Thought
A form of thought involving recognition and acceptance of paradox and uncertainty
Limbic System
The part of the brain that regulates emotional responses
Post-Secondary Education
Any formal educational experience that follows high school
Personality Disorder
an inflexible pattern of behavioural that leads to difficulty in educational, occupational, and social functioning
A serious mental disorder characterized by disturbances of thought, such as delusions and hallucinations
reflective judgment
the ability to identify the underlying assumptions of differing perspectives on controversial issues.
quality-adjusted life years (QALY)
A measure of how much benefit is gained, and at what cost for any particular physical or mental intervention. It provides an estimate of the time a person will live at different levels of health over his remaining years of life
White Matter
Neural tissue that is mainly comprised of myelinated axons that transmit neural signals from one neuron to another
grey matter
Neural Tissue that is mainly made up of cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, axon terminals and glial cells
Disability-adjusted life Years (DALY)
A measure of the gap between a population’s ideal and actual levels of health. It is derived from the number of life years lost to premature death, illness, or injury and the number of years living with a disability. It assumes a potential life limit of 82 1/2 years for women and 80 for men
Substance Abuse
A Pattern of behaviour in which a person continues to use a substance even though it interferes with psychological, occupational, educational, and social functioning
post formal thought
Types of thinking that are associated with a hypothesized fifth stage of cognitive development
fluid intelligence
the aspect of intelligence that reflects fundamental biological processes and does not depend on specific experiences
binge drinking
a pattern of behaviour in which a man consumes five or more drinks, or a woman consumes four or more drinks, on one occasion, at least once a month over the past year
crystallized intelligence
knowledge and judgement acquired through education and experience
the idea that some propositions cannot be adequately described as either true or false
maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max)
A measure of the body’s ability to take in and transport oxygen to various body organs
health-adjusted life expectancy (HALE)
An estimate of life expectancy at birth. It is the number of years that a newborn can expect to live in full health given current rates of morbidity and mortality
primary aging (senescence)
Age-related physical changes that have a biological basis and are universally shared and inevitable
intimate partner violence
physical acts or other behaviour intended to intimidate or harm an intimate partner
Locus of control
a set of beliefs about the causes of events
sexual assault
Any form of sexual activity with another person without his or her consent
Biological embedding
social circumstances in the first few years of a child’s life can cause epigenetic modifications in the brain and body systems that determine the trajectory -for better or worse- of a person health throughout adulthood
Major factor in overall of health society
socioeconomic equality
changes in frontal lobes
major spurt in frontal lobes that starts in preadolescence and continues in early adulthood increase capacity for formal operational thought. Frontal lobes ability to regulate the limbic system (emotional part of the brain) becomes fully developed in early adulthood
Pattern of normal brain development
cyclical pattern- rapid proliferation of grey matter that is followed by the simultaneous process of synaptic pruning and myelination
loss of calcium in the bones
wear and tear on bone in joints
weight trend
typically reaches maximum in middle adulthood and then gradually declines in old age
Two key organs in the immune system and the types of cells they create
thymus and bone marrow- B cells and T cells
B cells
fight against external threats by producing antibodies against such disease organisms as viruses or bacteria
t cells
defend against essential internal threats, such as transplanted tissue, cancer cells, and viruses that live within the body’s cells - T cells decline most in number and efficiency with age
Five Health practices
physical exercise, not smoking, drinking, over or under eating and getting regular sleep
external locus of control
believes other people or luck are responsible for her/his health issues
Levels of Sexual Assault
Level 1- sexual assault (kissing, touching, oral or anal sex, intercourse or other forms of penetration)
Level 2- sexual assault with a weapon or resulting in bodily harm
Level 3- aggravated sexual assault ( wounding, maiming, disfiguring or endangering the life of the victim)
Middle adulthood emotional disturbance
Virtually every kind of emotional disturbance is higher in early adulthood than in middle age