Chapter 15 Flashcards
- administration related
ex. who streamlined it
ex. Ashtapradhan mandal -> who looked after foreign affairs
Causes of the Rise of the Marathas?
1.Physical features and Nature of the People
-precipitous mountains, inaccessible valleys and impregnable hill-forts were
-long tradition of military prowess -> served bahamani kingdoms
-knew “Guerrilla warfare”
-had skills to change their tactics according to the battle situation
without waiting for orders
- Bhakti Movement and its Impact
- inculcated the spirit of oneness -> created bond in people - external causes
- The degeneration of Bijapur and Golkonda.
Various attacks on shivaji maharaj
- Afzal Khan, 1659
- Shaista khan
- Mirza raje jai singh
- mughals in general
- deccan campains
- border of kingdom
- sent by adil shah
- sent by aurangzeb as minister of deccan
- treaty of Purandar (1665)
- gave mughals 33 forts
- agreed to serve as a mansabdar and assist the Mughals in conquering Bijapur.
- jai singh persuaded him to visit agra -> got prisoned -> escaped - recovered all forts
- 1672, the Marathas imposed chauth or one fourth of the revenue as annual tribute on Surat - captured Senji and Vellore
- SS #292
Marathas after Shivaji
- Rajaram
- Tara bai- widow of rajaram
- Shahu - son of sambhaji
- sambhaji
- won Bahadurpur in Berar
- Aurangzeb came to punish Sambhaji for giving protection to his rebellious son Prince Akbar II.
- executed In 1689 - Rajaram
- fight from the fortress of Senji in the Tamil country
- death 1700 - Tarabai
- plundered hyderabad
- after shahu’s emergence started to rule from kolhapur.
-Aurangzeb’s death-> Sambhaji’s son
Shahu was released from prison and claimed the Maratha throne. Tara Bai objected -> civil war, in which Shahu emerged victorious and ascended the throne in 1708
-balaji vishwanath supported shahu -> got appointed peshwa,(1713)
duty of Mukhya Pradhan or Peshwa or prime minister?
look after the general welfare and interests of the State.
He officiated for the king in his absence.
duty of Amatya or finance minister
-checked and countersigned all public accounts of the kingdom.
duty of The Walkia-Nawis or Mantri
-maintained the records of the king’s activities and the proceedings in the court.
duty of Summant or Dabir or foreign secretary
-advise king on all matters of war
and peace and to receive ambassadors and envoys from other countries
duty of Sachiv or Shuru Nawis or home secretary
-look after the correspondence(patra vyavhaar) of the king with the power to revise the drafts. He also checked the accounts of the Parganas.
duty of Pandit Rao or Danadhyaksha or Sadar and Muhtasib or ecclesiastical head was
- religion, ceremonies and charities.
- judge of canon law & censor of public morals
duty of Nyayadhish or chief justice
civil and military justice.
duty of Sari Naubat or commander-in-chief
recruitment, organization and discipline of the Army
Features of provincial government
- kingdom divided in 4 provinces
- no jagirs given ; officers paid in cash
- no office hereditary
Revenue administration?
- how much tax %
- role of state in famine
- 30%
- gave money , grains, liberal loans
what is chauth & sardeshmukhi
chauth : 25%
sardeshmukhi : 10%
Division of cavalary?
their payment?
- the bargirs (horses were given by the state)
- shiledars (find their own horses).
-payment in cash
Peshwa rules
- Balaji vishwanath(1713-1720)
- Baji Rao I (1720–1740) -> the movie
- Balaji Baji Rao (1740–1761)
4.Peshwa Madhav Rao I
1.The practice of granting jagirs was revived. And the office of Peshwa was made hereditary.
2.Defeated nizam ; defeated bundelkhand,freed mastani ; Thana, Salsette and Bassein were captured
from the Portuguese in ; trading rights to british in deccan
- AKA Nana sahib
- Udgir battle,1760 : Peshwa supported the eldest son of the Nizam in succession battle
- entered Delhi in 1752 to drive out the Afghans and Rohillas from Delhi. Imad-ul-Mulk who was made the Wazir with the help of Marathas became a puppet in their hands.
- tried to find allies in north -> no one was ready
- Succesful against nizam of hyderabad & haider ali of mysore
- defeated Rohillas (Pathans) and subjugating the Rajput states and Jat Chiefs.
Bckground of third battle of panipat
- Mughal Empire neglected the defence of the north-west frontier
- contemporary mughal ruler gave asylum to afghan rebels -> sultan of afghanistan started attacking (1739)
- after nadir shah -> ahmad shah abdali came to throne -> invaded india (1757) -> appointed Mir Bakshi as his agent in Delhi
- Malhaar rao holkar & raghunath rao -> removed abdali’s agent -> also captured Sirhind and Lahore(1758)
- abdali recovered punjab(1759) ; The Marathas were forced to withdraw from Lahore, Multan and Sirhind.
-Peshwa sent Dattaji Scindia,
the brother of Mahadhaji Scindia, to the
Punjab -> defeated & killed(1760)
- Malhaar rao holkar defeated at Sikandara.
- Abdali -> alliance with Najib-ud-Daulah of Rohilkhand and Shuja-ud-Daulah of Oudh ; Marathas had no allies
- Maratha command : viswas rao(s.o.peshwa) ; real power :sadasiva rao
-instead of attacking the forces of Abdali,
remained quiet for a long time, until the scarcity of food became acute ; abdali was in fertile doab ,so had no issue.
Effects of the Battle of Panipat
- on 14 jan 1761
- Viswas Rao, Sadasiva Rao died
- Peshwa died broken hearted in june
The Anglo-Maratha Wars
1.1st war (1775-1782)
-The Company administration in Bombay
supported Ragunath Rao in return for getting Salsette and Bassein. As Mahadaji Scindia and the Bhonsle of Nagpur turned pro-British, the Marathas had to concede Thane and Salsette to the latter.
-By the treaty of Salbai, in 1782, Ragunath Rao was pensioned off.
2.2nd war (1803-1806)
-forced the Subsidiary Alliance on
the Peshwa.
-under treaty of bassein territory to be ceaded should fetch an income of Rs. 26 Lakhs. -> marathas denied -> hence war
3rd war(1817-1818)
-Treaty for creating Maratha confederac yagainst british -> under treaty
The Peshwa resigned the headship of the Maratha confederacy.
Ceded Konkan to the British and recognised the independence of the Gaikwar.
- after this war
- The British abolished the Peshwai (office of the Peshwa) and annexed all the Peshwa’s dominions
- Maratha confederacy dissolved.
Maratha administration under peshwas(1714-1818)
-Deshmukhs and Deshpandes were district officers who were in charge of accounts and were to observe the
activities of Mamlatdars and Kamavistars. It.
-Patil was chief village officers.
-In towns and cities the chief officer was
the Kotwal.
-Land was divided into three classes: according to the kinds of the crops, facilities for irrigation, and productivity of the land.
-The Judicial System was very imperfect.
There was no codified law.
Maratha Rule in Tamilnadu
1.How it began?
2.Who was serfoji 2?
1.Troops from Bijapur, led by the Maratha general Venkoji, defeated the Nayak of Madurai and captured Thanjavur -> declared king.(1676)
2.last ruler of the Bhonsle dynasty of the Maratha principality of Thanjavur.
-educated by german missionary -> practitioner of Western science and medicine.
-had great library i.e.the Saraswati Mahal Library started by nayaka ruler enriched by him
-free modern public schools
-urged britishers to sponsor free schools for Indian children.
-founding and management of free elementary and secondary schools for orphans
-established Dhanvantari Mahal,
a research institution that produced herbal
-He authored Kumarasambhava Champu, Devendra Kuravanji, and Mudra rakshaschaya.
-introduced western musical instruments like clarinet, and violin in Carnatic music.
-credited with popularising the unique Thanjavur style of painting.