Chap 9 & 11 (TN 11) Flashcards
Themes based on PYQ
- Major war & defeats
- Consider the following statements:
1) The Cholas defeated Pandya and Chera rulers
2) The Cholas sent an expedition against South East Asia
2.who conqured what
Which one of the Chola kings
conquered Ceylon?
- Temple built -> king
ex. Suryavarman II built what? - Kingdom -> important ports
ex. Kakatiya kingdom ?
5.Foreign connections & reasons
ex : explanation for India maintained its early cultural contacts and trade links with Southeast Asia across the Bay of Bengal
which forces fought for power from 6-9th century?
chalukyas of badami(vatapi) & pallavas of kanchi
where is badami/vatapi
Aihole inscription on whom? by whom?
of Pulikesin II composed by his court poet Ravikirti on defeating Mangalesha in megudi temple.
Important sources for pallavas & chalukyas?
- the Allahabad Pillar inscription of Samudragupta
- Aihole inscription of pulkesin 2 chalukya
-Buddhist sources such as Deepavamsa and
-Chinese travellers Hiuen Tsang and Itsing
which are 2 chalukya families? given info here is about which of them?
Chalukyas of badami & kalyani -> here discussing badami
chalukyas founded by?
pulkesin 1
major wars of Pulikesin II (chalukya) & results
- defeated harshvardhan
- defeated Kadambas of Banvasi, and Gangas of Talakad (Mysore)
- was defeated by Mahendravarma(pallavas) when tried to attack kanchipuram
which Pallava King, attacked and occupied Badami?
Narsimha varman 1
who replaced rashtrakutas & when?
In mid-eighth century by rashtrakutas.
territorial extent of chalukyas?
chalukya rulers gave patronage to whom?
shaivaite & vaishnavite -> built temples for them.
also built jain temple -> Megudi Jain temple
places popular for structural temples?
Pattadakal and Aihole
about aihole temples?
- has around 70 temples
- Lad Khan temple + the goddess Durga +another temple for goddess Durga called Huccimalligudi + megudi jain temple
who built largest cave temple of badami?of whom?
by mangalesa -> dedicated to vishnu
Pattadakal is famous for?
-has 2 types -> Dravidian ; Indo-aryan
who ordered to build virupaksha temple? it’s features?
- order of queen Lohamahadevi to commemorate the conquest of Kanchipuram by her husband Vikramaditya II.
- also have signatures of the architects
extent of pallava territory?
what is Tondaimandalam? which ruling family is associated to it?
- land between the north Pennar and north Vellar rivers
- pallava rulers
who claims to have defeated the Cholas, Cheras and
Pallava king Narasimhavarman
after which battle control over Tondaimandalam passed to cholas from pallavas? which battle sealed pallava’s fate?
Aparajita, lost his life in a battle fought against Aditya I of the Chola kingdom who invaded Tondaimandalam.
This sealed the fate of the Pallavas.
who ruled kerala region in 6-9th century?
What is mentioned in almost every pallava inscription pertaining to rural affairs?
Upkeep of tanks
location of dockyards by pallava’s?
Mamallapuram and Nagapattinam
important trading centre in the Pallava period?
What was exported in trade in pallava period ? to which countries?
spices, cotton textiles, precious stones and medicinal plants were exported to Java, Sumatra, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, China and Burma (Myanmar).
Mamallapuram was an important seaport.
Location of main traders guild in pallava period?
important Sanskrit literature in the south? which of the scholars stayed in pallava court?
- Bharavi’s Kiratarjuniya and Dandin’s Dashakumaracharita.
- Dandin
who is credited with the introduction of rock-cut temples in the Pallava territory?
Mahendravarman I
what is ajanta & ellora famous for?
Ajanta -> painting (mural)
Ellora -> sculptor -> has jain,buddhist & vedic caves
Dates of making of ajanta & ellora temples range from?
range of people who were patrons to Ellora?
Chalukyas to Rashtrakutas
which are the Three different characters indentified by the sculptures in the buddhist caves of ellora?
- meditating (dhyana mudra),
- preaching (vyakhyana mudra)
- touching the earth by index finger of right hand (bhumi-sparsha mudra).
features of Kailasanatha cave of ellora?
- massive monolithic structure
- represents kailas parvat of mahadeo
- 2 storeyed -> khalchya majalyavar elephants aahet ani tyanni kailas parvat paathivar uchalalya sarkha disto
2 phases of ajanta paintings?
1st phase : 200 B.C.-200 C.E.
2nd phase : 200 C.E.-400 C.E.
What is mural painting?
Mural = A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other permanent surfaces.
colors used in ajanta caves were sourced from?
natural objects and minerals.
what was central theme of painting in ajanta caves?
Scenes from the Jataka stories and
select episodes from the life history of Buddha.
which popular Bodhisattva is depicted in painting and sculpture at ajanta caves?
- What is/are common to the two historical places known as Ajanta and Mahabalipuram?
- Both were built in the same period.
- Both belong to the same religious denomination.
- Both have rock-cut monuments.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Only 3 is correct
during whose reign The iconic Shore Temple of Pallavas at Mamallapuram (Mahabalipuram) was constructed?
Rajasimha (CE 700-728)
how many storeys in mamallapuram temple?
5 storied,rockcut,monolith.
at mamallapuram,The monolithic rathas are known as?
the Panchapandava Rathas
examples of rock cut temples in pallava period?
Aihole , Badami , Kanchipuram , Mamallapuram
Where did bhakti movement originated? timespan?
- bhakti is Devotionalism in tamil region
- 6th to 9th region
what was contribution of Azhwars?
composed moving hymns addressed to Vishnu.
who were nayanmars?
The Nayanars were a group of 63 saints living in Tamil Nadu during the 3rd to 8th centuries CE who were devoted to the Hindu god Shiva
what was initial language of discourse of bhakti movement? who changed it?
initially in tamil but with the arrival of Adi Sankara from kerala ,Bhakti discourse began in Sanskrit in a philosophical mode
what was adi sankara’s doctrine? his philosophy? roots of his philosophy?
-doctrine of Maya (illusion)
-philosophy of Advaita or non-dualism had its roots
in Vedanta or Upanishadic philosophy.
goal of adi sankara?
root out Buddhism and to establish smarta (traditionalist) mathas.
what was the philosophy of Sri Ramanujar
(1017-1138)? he challenged which pre-existing philosophy?
- Visishtadvaita
- He challenged the monist ideology (Advaita) of Adi Sankara -> included social groups other than bramhins
summary of chalukyas?
Chalukyas of Vatabi, Pulikesin II in particular prevented Harsha in the north and Pallavas in the south from extending their territorial power into their occupied territory of Deccan.
Chalukyas established a comprehensive
administrative structure at the provincial,
district and village level and supported
both Vedic and heterodox religions.
Their contribution to art and architecture
are evident from the temples and the
monuments at Aihole, Badami and
summary of pallavas?
Pallavas established their kingdom in
Tondaimandalam with Kanchipuram as
their capital.
Efforts of Pallava kings, Mahendravarman
I and Narasimhavarman I, to extend their
territory further north led to constant wars
with Chalukyas.
Pallava rule is known for its architecture
and Mamallapuram is a classic example.
summary of ellora?
Ellora caves are famous for sculptures
representing all religious sects: Ajivika,
Jainism, Buddhism and Brahmanism.
Kailasanatha cave temple features panels
with scenes of puranas and legends.
summary of ajanta?
There are thirty caves in Ajanta. In five
caves there are mural paintings. Scenesfrom Jataka stories and select scenes from
the life history of Buddha are depicted.
Apart from the statue of Buddha,
Bodhisattva is also a striking feature of
chaityas and viharas
summary of mamallapuram?
Shore temples at Mamallapuram is a classic
example of Pallava architecture
Descent of Ganges, Arjuna’s penance are
illustrious examples of the sculptural
summary of The Bhakti Movement
Azhwars and Nayanmars
The hymns of Azhwars and Nayanmars inaugurated the bhakti cult in Tamil country. Pallavas and Pandyas patronized the bhakti movement. Bhakti as ideology helped integrate all sections of society under the banner of religion. A synthesis of north Indian and south Indian
Chapter 11th
Pandyas began their rule where?
Vaigai river basin at Madurai
which part of the Pandyan kingdom, exported grain, cotton, cotton cloth and bullocks to the Malabar coast and had trade contacts with West and Southeast Asia?
Tirunelveli region
who established the Chola kingdom? when? where?
Vijayalaya in 850 at Thanjavur
Why are the cholas of 9th century caled later/imperial cholas?
ssangam age(i.e.6th century BCE to 3rd century CE) madhe pan cholas hote -> he same lineage che ahet.
who built Brihadishvara temple at Thanjavur? alternate name?
Figures on temple walls?
Rajaraja I (985–1014)
-alternate name : Rajarajisvaram
-The figures of Lakshmi, Vishnu,
Ardhanarisvara and Bikshadana(2 forms of siva)
The important religious works in Tamil include codification of?
Saivite and Vaishnavite canons
which great epics, belong to this period?
Muvarula, and Kamba Ramayanam.
How coromandal evolved?
-area under the Chola dynasty in the Tamizh country
Chonadu or Cholanadu.
-core kingdom in Kaveri-fed delta called Cholamandalam -> corrupted as “Coromandel” in the
European languages
Cholas ventured in which overseas territory?
north-eastern parts of Sri Lanka
areas conqured by rajaraja 1?
West Coast, Sri Lanka and conquered the Maldives
Chola official appointed in Sri Lanka built a temple where? name of temple?
place called Mahatitta. The temple is called Rajarajesvara
Rajaraja 1 vs Pandyas war?
Rajaraja I attacked Madurai, the Pandyas escaped with their crown and royal jewels and took shelter in Sri Lanka.
-Rajendra I conquered Sri Lanka and confiscated the Pandya crown and other royal belongings.
who did expedition to northern India? where was temple built to commomerate his victory?
- Rajendra I
- The Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple
Rajendra’s naval operation was directed against whom?
-Sri Vijaya kingdom (southern
what is ur & urar
- ur : peasant settlement
- urar : were landholders in the village, acted as spokesmen in the ur.
- ur (village) urar (village assembly)
what is brahmadeya?
Brahmin settlement.
what is Nagaram & Nagarattar?
- settlement of traders
- representative of nagaram was nagarattar
What is Nadu?
Nadu was a grouping of several urs,
excluding brahmadeyas.
what was the name of elaborate “department of land revenue”?
which inscriptions give details of the process of electing members to various committees of bramhin settlement?
what is a traditional way of harnessing
rain water in the Kavery delta?
Vativaykkal, a crisscross channel.
which irrigation work done by Rajendra
Chola I finds mention in writing of Alberuni & jawaharlal nehru?
- Gangaikonda Chozhapuram
- 16 miles long
religious inclination of chola rulers? what were the forms used of that deity?
- Saivites
- 2 -> Lingodhbhava & Nataraja idol ( had important place in Tamil music, dance and drama)
what was the The foundational text of saiva siddhanta philosophy? who composed it?
-Sivagnana Bodham, was composed
by Meikandar.
places of major royal temples by cholas?
- Thanjavur,
- Gangaikonda
- Chozhapuram
- Darasuram
which temple was built In commemoration
of Rajendra I victory in North India?
where? on model of which temple?
Gangaikonda Chozhapuram on the model of Brihadisvarar temple in Thanjavur.
who built Darasuram Temple?
Rajaraja II (1146–1172)
territory of chola empire
which were the Two guildlike groups in chola period?
anjuvannattar and manigramattar.-> in due course of time both groups merged
who were anjuvannattar?
traded with whom?
important centre of this group?
Anjuvannattar comprised West Asians, including Jews, Christians and Muslims. They were maritime traders(sea trade) and were settled all along the port towns.
- traded with south-east asian countries
- Munai-santai (Pudukkottai), Mylapore and Tiruvotriyur (Chennai), Nagapattinam, Vishakapattinam and Krishnapattinam (south Nellore)
who were manigramattar?
manigramattar were busy with trade in the hinterland. They settled in interior towns .
who sacked the Chola’s capital of Gangaikonda Chozhapuram?
Pandyan ruler, Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan I
how chola period ended?
1279 -> King Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I defeated the last king Rajendra Chola III
which was earlier capital of pandyas?they shifted where?
earlier korkai -> moved to madurai (AKA Maitirai /kudal)
most important copper plate source for pandyan history?
The Velvikkudi grant of Nedunjadayan
accounts of which travellers give account of this period?
Marco Polo, Wassaff and Ibn-Batuta
territory of Pandyas is called?
Pandymandalam, Thenmandalam or
Boundries of pandya kingdom?
- northern border : river vellar
- southern border : indian ocean
- eastern border : bay of bengal
- western border : western ghats
who recovered pandya territory from kalbhras around 600?
Trick : (kon)i recover keli? kadun(kon)
who persecuted jainas?
Arikesari is identified with Kun Pandian,
which pandya king is known as the
greatest of his dynasty and successfully handled the Pallavas and the Cheras? which present day territories were conqured by him?
- Jatila Parantaka Nedunjadayn (Varaguna I)
- Thanjavur, Tiruchirappalli, Salem and Coimbatore
which pandya king invaded Ceylon?
Srimara Srivallabha
who was last pandya king in first pandyan rule(600-900)?
Parantaka I defeated the Pandya king Rajasimha II.
what was capital of pandyas 2nd rrule?
Madurai popularly venerated
as Kudal and Tamil Kelukudal
who was marco polo?visited which city twice?
Marco Polo, the famous traveller from Venice, visited Kayal twice.He tells us that this port town was full of ships from Arabia and China.
-records the incidents of sati and the
who was illustrious ruler of the second Pandya kingdom ?Under whose reign, the Pandya state reached its zenith?
Sadaiyavarman (Jatavarman) Sundarapandyan (1251–1268), who not only brought the entire Tamil Nadu under his rule, but also exercised his authority up to Nellore in Andhra.
which pandyan rajputra helped malik kafur to attack pandyan empire? why?
king Maravarman Kulasekharan -> two sons -> accession of the elder son, Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan III -> other son Vira Pandyan -> killed his father -> civil war -> Vira Pandyan won ->Sundara Pandyan, fled to Delhi -> refuge under the protection of Alauddin Khalji -> paved way for invasion by malik kafur.
Political Divisions in pandyan 2nd rule? who were administrative authorities of nadus? what is duty of nattars?
- consisted of many valanadus, which, in turn, were divided into many nadus and kurrams.
- nattars.
- assess the qualities of land under cultivation and levy taxes.
what was bramhan settlement called in pandyan rule?
Mangalam or Chaturvedimangalam
famous trade guilds in pandyan rule were at?
Kodumpalur and Periyakulam.
which was The busiest port town under the Pandyas was?
Kayalpattinam (now in Thoothukudi
district) on the east coast.
what is sluice?
device to distribute the water from the
water resources like river, tank and lakes.
The important Tamil literary texts composed in the reign of the Pandyas
were ?
Tiruppavai, Tirvempavai, Tiruvasagam,
Tirukkovai and Tirumantiram.
religion of pandyas?
Pandyas were Jains initially and later adopted Saivism.
Pandyas specially patronised which temple and kept
expanding its premises?
Meenakshi temple
The busiest port-towns were located along which coast?
east coast of the Tamizh country.
how did pandyas established link with Southeast Asian dynasties?
Matrimonial links
which were busy coastal trading centres in pandya period?
Cintamani, Mylapore, Tiruvotriyur,
Tiruvadanai and Mahabalipuram
Summary of cholas
-Revival by Vijayalaya Chola (850–871); consolidation by Paranthaka CholaI (907–955).
-Rajaraja 1 : constructed the Brihadishvarar
temple in Thanjavur,
-Rajendra 1 : his overseas
conquests from Kheda to SriVijaya. built Gangai Konda Cholapuram temple to
commemorate his victories in North India.
- provided tank and canal irrigation
- temple became hub of many activities
-Royal temples : Thanjavur, Gangai Konda
Chozhapuram and Darasuram
-Maritime trade : Maritime trade flourished. Sandalwood, ebony, condiments, precious gems, pepper, oil, paddy, grains and salt were exported, while the chief imports were camphor, copper, tin and mercury.
Pandya summary
- 1st inning : in southern Tamil Nadu by the end of the sixth century CE after Kalabhras
- 2nd inning :in the thirteenth century after the decline of Chola
- built rock-cut cave temples and structural temples.
- maritime activities were at peak
-Kayal (port) region became the centre of
trade and exchange, as recorded by Marco Polo and other travellers from Arabia.
location of kayal port