Chapter 147 - Vascular malformations Flashcards
Vascular malformations arise due to errors of development of vessels that occur during the ____ weeks of intrauterine life
4th - 10th
Capillary lymphatic malformation with limb hypertrophy
Klippel Trenaunay syndrome
Multiple endochondromas associated with multiple venous anomalies and high incidence of malignancy
Maffucci syndrome
High flow vascular malformation of extremity with soft tissue hypertrophy
Parkes Weber syndrome
Vascular malformations grow proportionately with the patient and usually regresses spontaneously.
True or False
False, does not regress
Very useful noninvasive radiologic exam for differentiating various types
Doppler ultrasonography
Congenital slow flow malformations of the capillary bed
Capillary malformation
Port wine stain can be present in (2) syndromes
Beckwith Wiedemann
Rubinstein Taybi
Capillary malformations persist lifelong.
True or False
Embryogenic anomaly involving both the vasomotor nerves and the melanocytes (both derived from the neural crest), often located on the trunk/ extremities, in association with pigmented cutaneous lesions
Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis
Neuro-oculo-cutaneous syndrome involves CN V1 with homolateral leptomeningeal capillary-venous malformation and choroid CVM.
Sturge Weber syndrome
It is associated with high risk of mental retardation, epilepsy, glaucoma, buphthalmos, and retinal detachment
Sturge Weber syndrome
Hemihypertrophy of entire body that does not follow lines of Blaschko
Diffuse Capillary Malformation with Overgrowth
Well-delineated CM if vermilion border, tip of nose with macrocephaly is pathognomonic for this condition
Macrocephaly-Capillary Malformation
Macrocephaly- Capillary Malformation have no risk for mental retardation.
True or False
False, at risk
50% of capillary malformations are located on the
White cutaneous spots surrounded by pale halo of redness seen in both congenital forms of Capillary Malformation
Bier spots
Inherited CMs are seen at birth and blanch on pressure with diascopy.
True or False
In which inherited CM is CM more telangiectatic in appearance, esp. periorally and on the upper thorax.
Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis, Sturge Weber syndrome, facial CM with hypertrophy have mutations in
Macrocephaly-Capillary Malformation have a gene defect in
Mutation of CM-AVM1?
2- EPHB4
Major concern for patient with CM is
In Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, or acne, lesions are worse in the area of CM
Meyerson phenomenon
Histologically, CM has
Dilated capillaries of papillary and upper reticular dermis with areas of increases number of normal looking capillaries
Stain for CM
Imaging studies is mandatory for CM.
True or False
False, not mandatory except in rare situations (painful, warm, spontaneously bleeds)
If CM is painful, warm, or spontaneously bleeds; ____ is indicated to exclude Dx of fast flow malformation
Doppler UTZ
In SWS, ophthalmologic and neurologic examination is done during the first months of life and repeated ___ until puberty, even if normal at younger age
Once a year
___ should be done to evaluate occurrence of leptomeningeal CVM
Brain MRI
In DCMO, ____ is needed to evaluate progressive discrepancy around the age of _____ years
Scaniometry (leg length films)
4-6 years old
___ is indicated for multifocal lesions
Genetic testing
Pale, uncharacteristic, and inconspicuous CMs can be a sign of
Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome
In the presence of leg length discrepancy over ___ cm, ____ is the management to prevent compensatory tilting of pelvis.
1.5cm, early - adapted shoe lift
___ is necessary for orthopedic considerations when child is 11-13 years old
Gold standard treatment for most CM
PDL 585-595nm, short pulse duration (400-1500ms) for 6-12 sessions
Laser treatment is more efficient on cervicofacial and trunk area than on extremities.
True or False
Is used to treat pyogenic granuloma or lip hypertrophy
Contour resection
Most common referral to specialized centers for vascular anomalies
Venous anomalies
Associated with consumptive coagulopathy in ___% of cases
Congenital lesion made up of venous type vessels of the skin or mucosa but can involve any structure or organ
Venous malformation
___% of VMs are located in cervicofacial area; ___% on extremities
50%; 37%
Inherited VMs reaches its maximum by ___ years of age
60% Mutations in VM, mucocutaneous venous malformation (VMCM), and blue rubber bleb nevus (BRBN)
It is characterized by one large ‘dominant’ VM lesion associated with multiple small dark blue nipple-like lesions on palms and soles
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome
Extracutaneous manifestations of BRBN include GIT, predominantly the ___. Complication: ____
Small bowel, acute hemorrhage —> death
Complications associated with BRBN and abdominal pain
Bowel infarction
In BRBN, ___ should be perfomed to detect GI lesions
Wireless capsule endoscopy
Management of GI BRBN lesions
Iron supplementation
Blood transfusions
Endoscopic coagulation with Nd:Yag laser, bipolar or argon plasma coagulation
Rare, characterized by multiple endochondromas associated with subcutaneous VMs of distal extremities
Maffucci syndrome
Maffucci syndrome is caused by somatic mutations in ___
IDH1 and IDH2
Patients with Maffucci syndrome have a high incidence of malignancies
40% chondrosarcoma, glioma, fibrosarcoma, angiosarcoma
The most common location of VM
Head & neck
Small (<5cm) multifocal, asymptomatic VMs present at birth involving the lips, tongue, and buccal mucosa
Mucocutaneous venous malformation (VMCM)
VMCM is an ___ mutation of ___
AD; TIE2 (angiopoietin receptor)
Similar to VMCM but lack family history
Multifocal venous malformations (MVMs)
MVM is caused by mutation in
Bluish to purple, raised venous anomaly characterized by multifocality, hyperkeratosis, nodularity with a cobblestone surface present at birth
Glomuvenous malformation
It is painful on palpation and noncompressible often located on the extremities
Glomuvenous malformation
Patient with GVM have normal mental and physical development
True or False
GVm is caused by dominat, loss-of-fxn mutation in
Glomulin gene
Histologically, GVM is characterized by
Distended venous channels with surrounding mural glomus cells
Glomus cells stain positive for (2)
Smooth muscle alpha actin
GVM has a more superficial location than VM
True or False
In patients with GVM, management is
Skin graft with excision
Rare congenital vascular anomaly with immunohistochemical profile similar to vascular neoplasms (GLUT1 positive) on the legs
Verrucous venous malformation (VVM)
VVM involves muscles/tissues
True or False
False, never
Complication of VVM
VVM is caused by somatic mutations of
Histologically, VVM is characterized by
Hyperkeratotic epidermis on top of small blood vessels with multilaminated membrane located in the dermis and subcutis
VVM is best treated with
Surgical excision
Common feature when VM is located in the temporal muscle
Local thrombosis is responsible for acute pain which resolves as
VM produces more severe leg length discrepancy than Klipple Trenaunay syndrome
True or False
Less severe
Localized intravascular coagulopathy, associated with VMs, presents with ____ in 40% of patients
Elevated D dimer level (>500ng/ml)
Severe Localized IV Coagulopathy is more common in ___ and presents with low fibrinogen levels
Large VMs of extremities
Triggers conversion of LIC to DIC
Hormonal influences
Pathognomonic of severe LIC
Low fibrinogen level
Pathognomonic of LIC in a VM in plain radiography
Calcifications of phleboliths
__ is present in 20% of patients with extensive head and neck VMs that presents as headaches
Cerebral developmental venous anomaly
Major complications of VM
GI hemorrhage
Airway compression
Most common indications for Tx of VM
Functional impairment
Compression decreases pain and swelling in most VM, except for
Treatment for LIC
LMWH (100IU antiXa/kg/day)24 hours before and 5 days after surgery.
Usually given for 2 weeks
For difficult to treat VM not amenable to surgery
Rapamycin (MTOR)
Rapamycin should not be given to ___ VMs that respond to standard of care
Small, localized asymptomatic
Primary treatment for VM
Percutaneous IL sclerotherapy
Most efficient sclerosing agent
Alternatives for ethanol sclerotherapy
Sodium tetradecyl sulphate foam
Side effects in 2% of detergent sclerosants
Neurologic complications
Single sclerotherapy session is needed to completely treat VM
True or False
False, multiple due to propensity to recanalize and recur
Worldwide prevalence of vascular malformations is 0.3%, mostly accounted for by___
Capillary malformation
Vascular malformation are histologically characterized by
Enlarged, tortuous cells with quiescent endothelium
Most common vascular tumor
For __ mutation, biopsy of affected tissue is needed; for __ mutation, blood test is sufficient to make a diagnosis
Can be cutaneous hallmark of occult spinal dysraphism, if located on lumbosacral area
Capillary malformation
Blanchable pink patches often located on the nape (81%), eyelids (45%), and glabella (33%)
Nevus flammeus neonatorum Storks bite Salmon patch Angel’s kiss Nevus simplex
Nevus simplex disappear spontaneously by __
1-4 years old
Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis is associated with the ff lesions
atypical Mongolian spot not on sacrum
nevus spilus
Pigmented nevus
Macrocephaly-Capillary malformation has also been associated with reports of
Wilms tumor
In inherited CM-AVM, the risk of having a fast flow lesion is more frequent with
It has associated toe anomalies in 30% and prominent veins
In CM-AVM, there is __% risk of having brain or spine AVM
___ is indicated to rule out presence of Wilms tumor
Renal ultrasound
During the first few weeks of life, CM may slightly fade due to decreased level of Hgb.
True or False
Early treatment during childhood leads to less laser sessions.
True or False
False, no effect
Laser can be used to treat hypertrophy.
True or False