Chapter 105 - Skin Changes and Disease in Pregnancy Flashcards
Chnages most commonly observed in pregnancy
Pigmentary disturbances
- hyperpigmentation
- linea nigra
- melasma
Irregular blotchy facial hyperpigmentation that occurs in 70% of pregnant women
Melasma or chloasma
Melasma is aggravated by: (2)
Sun exposure
OCP intake
Significant change in nevi size is a feature of most pregnancies.
True or False
False, not
The most common structural change in pregnancy
Striae gravidarum
Striae distensae
Stretch marks
Strongest risk factors for development of striae: (3)
Family history
Personal history
Most common vascular lesion to develop
Spider angiomata
Dermatoses associated with fetal risk (3)
Pemphigoid gestationis
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Immunologically mediated, intensely prurituc vesiculobullous eruption of mid to late pregnancy associated with fetal risk
Pemphigoid gestationis
Reversible form of cholestasis in kate pregnancy associated with biochemical abnormalities but remits within 2 to 4 weeks of delivery
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Rare, acute pustular eruption accompanied by fever leukocytosis and elevated ESR
Pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Physiologic nail findings during pregnancy (5)
Subungual hyperkeratosis Distal onycholysis Transverse grooving Brittleness Accelerated growth
Increase or decrease in pregnancy
- Eccrine function
- Sebaceous function
- Apocrine function
- Increased (except palms)
- Increased
- Decreased
Bluish discoloration of vagina and cervix
Jacquemier Chadwick sign
Cervical softening
Goodell sign
Pemphigoid gestationis is associated with: (2)
Increased small for gestational age births
Premature delivery
In PG, DIF shows (pathognomonic)
(+) linear band C3 with or without IgG at DEJ
Gold standard for diagnosis of PG
96% specific for PG
Risk of fetal complications of PG correlates with maternal disease severity
True or False
__% of women with PG flares postpartum and will require treatment; with OCP intake or during menstruation
Treatment for pemphigoid gestationis (4)
Topical steroids
First gen antihistamines
PG can also occur in abnormal pregnancies (3) implicating a role for paternally derived tissues
Hydatidiform mole
Intraheptic cholestasis of pregnancy, rare, reversible, occurs in late pregnancy when serum concentrations of ___ reach their peak
Second only to viral hepatitis in causing jaundice in pregnant women
ICP is most common in
South America
Only pregnancy dermatosis that presents without primary skin lesions
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Patients with ICP may complain of nocturnal pruritus only.
True or False
Pruritus precedes onset of jaundice by 1-4 weeks
True or False
Harmful effects of fetus by intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy include (3)
Increase in premature births
Intrapartum fetal distress
Fetal death
Recurrence of ICP in ___% of subsequent pregnancies
45 to 70%
Genes muted in ICP include (3)
Single most sensitive indicator of ICP
Elevation in serum bile acids
Common features of ICP
- Serum total bile acid concentrations greater than ___
- Cholic acid to chenodeoxycholic acid ratio greater than ____ or cholic acid proportion of total bile acids greater than ___%
- Glycine conjugates to taurine conjugates of bile acids ratio less than ___ or glycocholic acid concentration greater than __
- 11 uM (4.6 to 8.7 uM)
- 1.5 (0.7 to 1.5); 42%
- 1 (0.9 to 1.2); 2uM (0.6 to 1.5uM)
Elevation in this liver enzyme is sensitive for ICP but is not seen in heathy pregnancies
Increased or decreased in ICP
- Gamma glutamyl transferase
- Direct fractions of bulirubin
- Alpha 2 globulin
- Beta globulin
- Albumin
All are increased except for 5.
Routine liver tests alone are sufficient for diagnosis of ICP
True or False
False, not
Cutaneous biopsy aids in diagnosis of ICP
True or False
False, does not
Hallmark of ICP
Symptoms and biochemical abnormalities resolve in 2-4 weeks of delivery
Complications in fetus of patients with ICP are correlated to
Higher bile acid levels
Increase placental anoxia
Increase incidence of meconium stained amniotic fluid
Essential to the management of ICP
Intense fetal monitoring
Current treatment of choice for ICP
Ursodeoxycholic acid 450 mg to 1200 mg
For mild cases, bland emollients and topical anti pruritic
Most recommend early induction of labor at __ wks of gestation or earlier for patients with ICP
Originates in flexural areas spreading centrifugally with onycholysis sparing face, palms, and soles.
Pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Life threatening maternal complications of pemphigoid gestationis may result from (2)
Profound hypocalcemia and bacterial sepsis
The most feared complications of pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Placental insufficiency
Stillbirth or neonatal death
How to distinguish pustular psoriasis of pregnancy from generalized pustular psoriasis
Absence of positive family history
Abrupt resolution of drug delivery
Recur only during subsequent pregnancies
Factors known to trigger psoriasis are absent
Common lab derangements include
Leukocytosis Neutrophilia Elevated ESR Hypoferric anemia Hypoalbuminemia Decreased Ca, Phosphate, Vitamin D
Cardinal feature of pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Rapid resolution of symptoms after delivery
Recurrences of Pustular psoriasis of pregnancy are common in subsequent pregnancies and more severe with earlier onset in gestation.
True or False
First line therapy for pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Cyclosporine 5-10mkday
Infliximab TNF alpha blocking agent
Earlies sign of fetal hypoxemia
Fetal decelerations
Dermatoses not associated with fetal risk in pregnancy
Atopic eruption of pregnancy
Common self-limited intensely pruritic dermatoses that occurs almost exclusively in primigravidas during late pregnancy
Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
Papules surrounded by pale halo coalesce to form erythematous plaques that starts within the striae gravidarum, spread to involve buttocks and thighs, sparing the umbilicus
Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
Rule for polymorphous eruption of pregnancy
Spontaneous remission within days of delivery
Management of polymorphous eruption of pregnancy
Topical corticosteroids
Oral antihistamines
DIF/ IDIF studies of polymorphous eruption of pregnancy
DIF: granular or absent C3, IgM, or IgA deposits at DEJ or around blood vessels
IDIF: negative
Benign pruritic condition of pregnancy characterized by eczematous and/or papular eruption in individuals with a personal and/or familial atopic background and/or serum IgE levels
Atopic eruption of pregnancy
Most common pruritic disorder in pregnancy
AEP (50%)
Presents earlier than other pregnancy associated dermatoses
Classic eczematous eruption affecting flexural surfaces and the face occurs in 2/3 of individuals
AEP E type
Discrete pruritic excoriated papules with a predilection for extensor surfaces, with truncal involvement less common
AEP P type
AEP, preferential expression of ___ cytokines
In a mother with AEP, there will be increased risk of AD for the infant.
True or False
True, for mothers with known history of atopy
Management for AEP
Midpotency topical corticosteroids
Helpful for truncal, follicular lesions of AEP
In severe cases of AEP, ___can be used
UVB phototherapy
Duration of symptoms of polymorphic eruption in pregnancy averages
6 weeks
Involvement of palms. soles, or skin above the breasts is exceptional in PUPPP.
True or False
Linea nigra is irreversible
True or False
False, reversible
Physiologic hair changes (4)
Telogen effluvium
Treatment for PG
Topical steroids and/or systemic antihistamines
___ of ICP patients may progress to jaundice, pale stools, dark urine
1 in 5
PUPPP is associated with
Multiple gestation
Total serum IgE is elevated in __ patients of AEP