Chapter 107 - LGBT Dermatology Flashcards
Acne Develops in 88% to 94% of transgender men within __ mos of testosterone
Acne decreases in severity beyond __ mos of treatment of testosterone
Transgender persons who inject fillers from unlicensed low cost pumpers should be screened for
Hepatitis C
Assigned to a person at birth, commonly based on natal external genital anatomy, and less commonly by internal genital anomaly and/or chromosomal analysis
Person’s characterization of emotional and or sexual attraction to others
Sexual orientation
Person’s basic internal sense of being a man, woman, or other gender
Gender identity
Person’s method of communicating gender through appearance, personality, or behavior
Gender expression
Terms used by clinicians and researchers to describe same sexual behaviors regardless of self identified sexual orientation; rarely used by patients themselves
Sexual behavior
Umbrella term describing persons whose gender identity or expression, to varying degrees, diverges from sex assigned at birth
Distress from marked and persistent incongruence between one’s gender identity and sex assigned at birth
Gender dysphoria
Process of recognizing, accepting, and expressing one’s gender identity, which may include behavioral, social, legal changes, medical, or surgical treatments
Gender affirmation/transition
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight
Sexual orientation
Gender nonconforming
Gender identity
Masculine, feminine, androgynous, gender nonconforming
Gender expression
Recommended screening for ALL MSM
Hep B
Recommended screening for HIV + MSM
Hep C
Pre-exposure prophylaxis recommended for HIV - MSM but at hugh risk of acquiring HIV
Emtricitabine + Tenofovir + Disoproxil fumarate
Only condition associated with higher prevalence amongst WSM
__% of HiV + MSM hace high risk HPV types
16, 18
___ develops in HIV + MSM with high CD4 count, HIV - MSM, and AIDS patients
Kaposi sarcoma
Causes outbreaks of proctolitis in MSM
Lymphagranuloma venereum
Gay and bisexual men uses indoor tanning __ more often than straight men hence increases risk of skin cancer
2 to 6 times
Linked with poppers use
Chemical leukoderma in perinasal and perioral regions
Acne amongst MSM are __ more likely to cuase depression and __ more likely to cause suicidal ideation in past 12 months
- 2x
8. 1x
Treatment for severe testosterone-induced acne
Treatment for testosterone induced alopecia in transgender males
Hair transplant
Facial hair growth/ density is very responsive to hormonal therapy.
True or False
False, resistant
Treatments for facial hair growth/ density (3)
Topical eflornithine
Treatment for silicone granulomas
IL corticosteroid Topical imiquimod or tacrolimus Oral doxycyline or minocycline Isotretinoin Etanercept CO2 laser Surgical excision
Risk managment program that aims to minimize fetal exposure to teratogenic medication
IPLEDGE system
CDC does not recommend routine screening for the ff dieseases
Anal cancer
What diseases should be screened at least annually or every 3-6 months if behaviors persist?
HPV vaccination is indicated for
MSM through age 26 years old
Indications for preexposure prophylaxis of HIV
Adult man without HIV bu with male partner in past 6 mons or not in a monogamous relationship
+ 1 of ff
1. Any anal sex without condoms in past 6 months
2. Bacterial STI in past 6 months
Nonoccupational post exposure prophylaxis should be instituted within ___ hours from exposure