Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders Flashcards
What are unipolar mood disorders and bipolar mood disorders? What is the difference? (2)
Unipolar: experiences only episodes of depression
Bipolar: experiences mania and often also depression
What fall under unipolar mood disorders? (2)
-major depressive disorder
What falls under bipolar mood disorders? (3)
-Bipolar 1
-Bipolar 2
What is dysthymia?
-depression that is less severe but lasts longer
What is cyclothymia?
What is Bipolar 1?
-based more on manic episodes than depression, experience more intense mood swings
What is bipolar 2?
-less extreme mood swings called hypomania
How can you remember how all the different schizophrenia spectrum disorders are related?
-as symptoms increase, the word has an increasing number of letter
What are positive symptoms? What are negative? (2)
-presence of problematic behaviours
-absence of normal functions
What are the delusions and associated belief options? (6)
Persecutory: belief that others are persecuting, spying on them.
Referential: belief that objects, events or people have particular significance to one
Grandiose: great power, knowledge
Identity: belief you are someone else, Jesus Christ
Guilt: belief you have committed a terrible sin
Control: belief that ones thoughts and behaviours are being controlled by external forces
What are the features of a personality disorder?
-early onset
-clinically significant maladaption
What are cluster A, B and C disorders characterized by? (3)
A: odd or eccentric
B: dramatic, emotional or erratic
C: anxious or fearful
What are the characteristics of Cluster A, Paranoid disorder?
-distrust and suspiciousness of people
What are the characteristics of cluster A Schizoid?
-lack of emotions (flat affect) and lack of desire to have social relationships
What are the characteristics of cluster A Schizotypal?
-peculiarities of thought (magical thinking), emotionally detatched and socially withdrawn