explain the meaning of homeostasis, state four importances of homeostasis in animals
state the meaning of internal stimuli and explain how four external stimuli affect the body
define negative feedback, explain a negative feedback control loop including all necessary information and key words (internal and external stimuli + receptors + effectors)
explain the difference between negative and positive feedback
define coordination systems, state and describe two coordination systems in mammals
summarise then explain in detail, where and how urea is produced using keywords or diagrams if necessary
AS LEVEL RECAP: explain how carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body as a waste product
Using the diagram in your notes, label the seven parts of the kidney
-Describe the structure, functions or both of the labelled parts of the kidney
What is a nephron? Using the diagram in your notes, identify six parts of the nephron along with it’s associated blood vessels and structures
-Describe the structure, functions or both of these parts of a nephron
Using photomicrographs and electron micrographs in your notes, identify parts of the nephron along with it’s associated blood vessels and structures
Briefly summarise the two stages that take place to form urine and where they take place
Describe and explain the process of ultrafiltration IN DETAIL
-State and explain how three different factors affect the glomerular filtration rate
Describe and explain the process of selective reabsorption IN DETAIL
Relate the structure of the Bowman’s capsule and proximal convoluted tube to their functions in the formation of urine
Through description, show your understanding of osmoregulation and osmoreceptors