Chapter 14 Flashcards
produce gametes and sex hormones that control development and function of the reproductive system
ovaries and testes
Primary sex characteristics
structures that have a direct role in reproduction
gonads penis vagina uterus
Secondary sex characteristics
distinct features of the male/females that don’t have a distinct role in reproduction
deep voice beats wide hips
Parts of the testes
seminiferous tubules Sertoli cells interstitial cells epididymus ductus deference ejaculatory duct
seminiferous tubules
produce sperm through spermatogenesis
Sertoli cells
nourish and support developing sperm, protect sperm from white blood vessels, release inhibin to prevent sperm production during childhood
interstitial cells
produce and secretes testosterone
regulated by the luteinizing hormone LH from anterior pituitary
connects testes to the ductus deference
ductus deference
stores and transports sperm to the ejeculatory duct
ejaculatory duct
delivers sperm from ductus deference to the penis
transfers sperm to female reproductive parts
tip is called the glans penis and is protected by foreskin
Seminal fluid
fluid from different glands thats mixed with sperm
fructose fluid for sperm energy from the seminal vesicles
prostaglandin hormone
fluid that neutralizes acid in urine in the urethra from prostate and cowpers glands
Prostaglandin Hormone
stimulates the urethra vagina and uterus to contract
Prostate / cowpers glands
creates fluid that neutralizes acid in urine in the urethra
Parts of sperm
head-contains 23 chromosomes and covered in a acrosome cap with enzymes for penetrating the egg
middle piece- contains mitochondria for to make energy for the tail
flagellum (tail)-used for swimming
Ovaries function
produce ova through oogenesis and alternate activity btw each other
a cell in the ovaries where ova develop, follicle matures and ruptures to release ova into the oviduct with fimbriae
Oviduct function
tubes that carry the ovum to the uterus using cilia during halfway through the menstrual cycle
inner lining of the uterus, fed by blood vessels to provide nutrients to the fetus
Egg Fertilization process
ovum survives 24hours in the oviduct
fertilized egg travels down oviduct for 3-5 days
endometrium thickens
egg will implant in endometrium if fertilized
menstruation occurs if not
infection transmitted through bodily fluid
three types: viral, bacterial, parasitic
virus-no cure
attacks helper T cells of immune system which ncrease the chances of other infection
final stage of HIV where immune system is beyond repair
Hep A
viral infection from contaminated water and oral/anal contact
Hep B
flu like virus affecting the liver
transmits through placenta and person can be a carrier
Hep C
viral infection from blood to blood contact
Genital Herpes
viral infection causing itching, blistering, and flu like symptoms
outbreaks can reappear so medication is used to control it
increased risk of HIV
genital warts caused by skin to skin contact
can be an unknown carrier and is linked to cancer
bacterial infection affecting more women then men, causes fever, during during urination, and discharge
leads to PID in women which causes infertility, increased risotto HIV, and transmission during childbirth
bacterial infection affecting more men then women, affects the urethra rectum cervix and throat
symptoms are painful urnation, discharge, develops into PID and infects newborns
bacterial infection with three stages
cardiovascular/nervous system infection
infects embryos
Male Reproductive hormones
Testis determining factor
Testis determining factor
gene in Y chromosomes that signals production of male sex hormones and begins development of male sex structures in the fetus
begins puberty and stimulates anterior pituitary gland to release FSH and LH
causes production of sperm in seminiferous tubules and release of inhibin
control: neg feedback, inhibin acts on anterior pituitary gland to inhibit production of FSH which keeps sperm levels constant
causes production and release of testosterone from interstitial cells
control: neg feedback, testosterone inhibits release of LH from anterior pituitary
declining testosterone levels w aging causing loss of muscle sperm and depression
Reproductive hormones in females
hypothalamus triggers GnRH to begin puberty and trigger anterior pituitary to release FSH and LH to emulate estrogen progesterone secondary sex characteristics and reproductive cycle
ovarian cycle
follicle matures nd releases an ovum each cycle
two stages:
1 follicle stage
2. luteal stage
Follicle Stage of Ovarian Cycle
an increase in FSH causes the follicle to mature which releases estrogen and progesterone
estrogen inhibits FSH which triggers release of GnRH to stimulate LH and cause ovulation
follicle ruptures releasing an ovum into the oviduct, occurs halfway through cycle
if implantation occurs hCG maintains high estrogen and progesterone in blood to stop the ovarian cycle and maintain the endometrium
Luteal Stage of Ovarian Cycle
ruptured follicle develops into corpus lute by LH, the corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone to inhibit FSH and LH production
the corpus luteum degenerates which decreases estrogen and progesterone causing the cycle to begin again
Uterine Cycle
tissue and blood vessels of endometrium develop to support life unless fertilization doesn’t occur which will cause menses
cycle begins on first day of mentruation
Stages of Embryonic development
embryonic period - 8 weeks
fetal period - 9th week to 9th month
Zoa Pellucida
clear layer of protein/ carbohydrates surrounding the plasma membrane
Corona Radiata
follicle cells surrounding the zone pellucid that provide nourishment to the egg
cell division and th zygote begins to divide into 16cells
a 16 cell zygote
fluid filled morula that has reached the uterus
has two layers
- inner cell mass
- trophoblast (outer layer)
Implantation day (5-7)
trophoblast secretes enzymes to digest a hole in the endometrium then the blastula sinks into the endometrium and gets trapped by it
menstruation is prevented by the trophoblast secreting hCG to maintain the corpus luteum
hCG remains high for 2 months then the placenta takes the corpus lute’s place
when the blastula becomes a gastrula in the 2nd week
amniotic cavity forms btw inner cell mass and trophoblast
inner cell mass flattens not an embryonic disk and develops three layers
Embryonic Disks Three Layers
ectoderm- outer layer that formsskin and nerves
mesoderm- middle layer that forms muscles, skeleton, reproductive, excretory, circulatory systems
endoderm- inner layer that forms digestive and respiratory systems
developing distinct structures that make up the organism by differentiation
Week 3
neural tube develops from the ectoderm which becomes the brain and spinal cord
heart forms after
Week 4
rapid development of circulatory systems, lungs, kidneys, head, facial features, bud of limbs
Week 5
head grows, eyes open, brain starts to develop
Week 6
more brain development, limbs grow, gonads produce hormones to make external genitals
Week 7 and 8
organs form, nervous system is activated, cartilage skeleton develops, eyes close, nose plugs, no external genitals yet
Extraembryonic structures
form around embryo weeks 3-8
yolk sac
yolk sac
produces first blood cells, eggs or sperm, involved in forming digestive tract
embryonic disk
produces fluid to cushion embryo, maintain temp, provide space for embryo to move/grow, lines amniotic cavity
forms umbilical corn
outer membrane, grows chorionic villi, forms fetal part of the placenta
attacks fetus to uterine wall to allow metabolic exchange with mother like with hormones and stores nutrients during early pregnancy
secretes estrogen progesterone hCG
allows mothers antibodies to enter
keeps mother/fetus blood close so diffusion can occur
Umbilical cord
2 arteries carry away deoxygenated blood from fetus
1 vein carries oxygenated blood towards the fetus
First Trimester
first 2 months are embryonic period
3rd month placenta is developed, external sex organs visible, cartilage skeleton hardens, growth in length
Second Trimester
4th month- heart beat detectable, bones forming, nervous system developed, movement can be felt
5th month- covered in lanugo (fine hair), spinal cord becomes myelinated
6th month- skin is translucent/wrinkly/pink, increased weight gain
unlikely to survive if born now
Third trimester
extensive weight gain, brain developing at a rapid pace, fat under skin, digestive/respiratory systems mature
proper nutrition is important for placenta/development
substances that cause defects/ delays during development
smoke-constricts blood vessels reduces oxygen to fetus
alcohol-affects nervous system
drugs-prescription/over the counter cause deformities
excess nutrients- fetus becomes accustomed to high levels than has a deficiency after birth
radiation and pollution
delivery of baby by uterine contractions (full term is 36-40 weeks)
hormones are secreted
relaxin-loosens pelvic muscles
progesterone decreases- uterine contractions aren’t inhibited
oxytocin- stimulates uterus contractions, breast milk, and prostaglandins for more contractions
3 Stages pf Partruition
dilation- cervix dilates, amniotic sac ruptures, contractions become stronger and frequent
expulsion- frequent strong contractions push the baby through the cervix
placenta- placenta/umbilical cord released after baby is born
formation and secretion of breast milk by hormones
prolactin- inhibited by estrogen and progesterone is now secreted by the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate secretion of colostrum
oxytocin- causes contraction of lobules to move milk from alveoli sac to the nipples through ducts
Causes of Sterility/infertility in men
obstruction if ductus deference or epididymis
lows perm count or nonviable sperm
impotence (no erection)
Causes of Sterility/infertility in women
obstruction in oviduct
can’t ovulate
damaged eggs
Enhancing reproduction
super ovulation-hormone injection yo trigger ovulation
artificial insemination-collected sperm is deposited in the female
in vitro fertilization-eggs/sperm are combined outside of the body snd implanted back into the ovary
gamete intrafallopion transfer
surrogate mother