Chapter 13 The Reformation Flashcards
It was the beginning of modern Europe and it profoundly
influenced the development of western
What Religion was picked up by European countries during the reformation?
Y/N the reformation saw a DECREASE in religious enthusiasm.
What religion responded to the Protestant challenge with a counter-reformation?
Was the catholic counter reformation successful
Somewhat, it had some success.
What period destroyed the religious unity of Western
Europe and initiated a period of
devastating religious wars in the 16th and
17th centuries
The Reformation
When did the Great Schism take place
The late 1300s (1377)-The Early 1400s (1417)
when did the Babylonian captivity take place
the 14th century
What did the crises of the 14th and 15th centuries do to the clergy?
Hurt it’s prestige
what was the movement that wanted to reform the
Church to give it a council with more power than the pope was rejected by several popes in the
15th and 16th century
The Conciliar Movement
What is simony?
When the church sells a cardinalship or a bishop’s position.
Someone holding two offices at a time
an official not participating in benefices but receiving
payment and privileges
What are Indulgences?
people paying money to the Church to absolve their
sins or sins of their loved ones
Letting family members into a position of power that is not deserved.
Leo X and Clement VII’s relation to the Medici was an example of:
What was Pope Alexander VI’s scandal
He had numerous children out of wetlock
Clerical ignorance in the Catholic church
many priests were virtually illiterate
How did Clergymen sexually abuse their power?
trading sexual favors for the absolution of sins during a
What were some claims of John Wyclif?
- Stated that the Bible was the sole authority
- Stressed personal communion with God
- Translated the Bible into English
Foreshadowed Martin Luther’s views in the early 16th century
his followers were called Lollards
What were some of John Hus’s claims and Feats?
Czech Philosipher (1369-1415)
(HINT: Simmilar to Wycliff)
- Religious leader in Bohemia who led a nationalist movement there
- Burned at the stake by the Church
for his “heretical” views - Hussites were followers of Hus who staged large rebellions in the 14th century
Who was Erasmus
- He criticized the corruption in the church and the hypocrisy of the clergy.
- Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.
- Highly impacted Christan Humanism
- Wrote in Praise of Folley
How did christan humanists feel about the church?
Christian humanists of the Northern Renaissance criticized the church and questioned the validity of the Latin Vulgate
Latin Vulgate
Catholic bible
When the bible was translated:
it undermined Church athourity by indirectly criticising the papacy, by criticising supreme athourity.
What major part of the renesance undermined the church
The strive for individuallity
Ulrich Zwingli
- humanist preacher
- used Erasmus’ edition of the Greek New Testament.
Which religious humanist was John Calvin influinced by
After Martin Luther’s Reformation, Many monistaries turned into:
What facilitated the spread of humanisim?
the printing press
Martin Luther
- reformation minded Augustinian monk who taught at
the University of Wittenburg in Saxony.
Johann Tetzel
- encouraged by Pope Leo X to sell indulgences.
- Indulgences were payments to reduce a person’s punishment in Purgatory, or perhaps the pain of
a loved one who had already died. - Tetzel’s selling of indulgences had become egregious.
Nintey Five Theses
- criticized the selling of indulgences
- questioned the scriptural authority of the pope to grant indulgences.
- Luther’s imfamy was a result of the printing press
How did the pope veiw the 95 thesis
he thought it was insignifigant
Were disagreements between clergymen common Y/N?
who protected Luther from papal retribution?
Frederick III of Saxony.
Where were Luther and Johann Eck’s debates?
Who was Johann Leipzig?
one of the great Catholic theologians who debated Martin Luther.
what does erred mean?
an error or mistake
did Luther think the church was correct in executing John Hus?Y/N
What were the major differences of the Northern Renaissance from the Italian Renaissance?
- Christian Humanism’s goal was to reform Christianity; focused on scripture, writings from Church Fathers
- humanists supported education and schools
- mysticism
- less art
How was the Northern Renaissance, in some ways, similar to the Italian Renaissance?
- emphasis on religion (more in North, but in Italy too)
- humanism/individual’s potential
- appreciation of classics (antiquity)
Where was Erasmus Born
Which famous Northern Renaissance guy Wandered to France,Germany, Italy, England and Switzerland
Who wrote handbook of the Christian King
Erasmus (1503)
Who wrote the praise of folly
Erasmus (1509)
What did erasmus believe
that christianity should be a guiding philosophy, religion needed to be restored, and education and virtues are important
Which Famous humanist was fram and lived in England
Thomas More
Who wrote Utopia
Thomas More (1516)
What did Thomas Moore believe
- believed cooperation and reason were better than power and fame for human societies; universal Catholic Church, classical learning, and service to the King were all important
Who at the time held te highest position among the clergy
Nobles or wealthy members of the bourgeosie
What is the the bourgeosise
The upper class
How did the clergy increase its reveneues
most clergy members held multiple positions to make more money
holding more than one office (leads to conflict of interest)
What are indulgences
indulgences: a remission, after death, of all or part of the punishment for sin that the church sold to people
Where is Martin Luther from
Martin Luther beliefs
assurance of salvation, humans aren’t save through good works, but through faith in God’s promises
What was the Primary Doctrine of Lutheranism
vation/justification (act by which a person is made deserving of salvation) by grace through faith alone
What does “when a coin the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs” mean
when people pay the church, their souls are saved from Hell/Purgatory
Who said the Famous “when a coin the coffer rings” quote”
Johan Tetzel
What were Luther’s three critical points in his theology?
*Salvation through faith alone.
*The Bible was the sole authority.
*Only two sacraments—baptism and communion—were valid.
what does “Salvation through faith alone.” mean
“God loves, forgives, and saves us not because of who we are or what we do, but because of the work of Christ.”
What two Sacraments were valid in the eyes of martin Luther
Baptism and Communion
Luther’s three Pamphlets
- they moved toward a more definite break with the church
- Luther called on German Princes to overthrow the papacy in Germany and establish a reformed German Church;
- They attacked the Sacramental system
Published in1520
what year did the 95 theses come out?
where did the pope reside during the years 1303-1378
what is Simony
What was the Diet of worms
legislative group assembled by Charles V in Worms, Germany
where did Lutheranism spread
Princely and ecclesiastical states in northern and central Germany (like Wittenburg, Germany)
what percentage of germans could read
What was the German Peasents Revolt
easants wanted to return to the systems that were in place before the nobles
Did Luther suppor the Peasnt’s revolt
Because his religion was spreading through nobles
What title did Charled I of Spain Adopt
Holy Roman Emporer
What dynasty was Charles I apart of
Hapsburg Dynasty
Why was the Holy Roman Empire concerned with the East
Bacause the Ottoman turks overran constantinople and established control in southern Europe
The Peace of Augusburg
recognized the equality of Catholicism and Lutheranism and let each German prince choose his realm’s religion
What three other countries were affected by the spread of protestantism
Who was Ulrich Zwingli
Urich Zwingli began the reformation in switzerland through his preachings
Who are the Anabaptists
Anabaptists belived in radical reform instead of allowing state to play dominant role in church affairs
What happened to the Dutch Anabaptists at Munster
an uprising: Münster experienced economic disaster (crop failure/plague) and radical mass religious hysteria
what did Munster rename themselves
Why did Henry VIII of England want a divorce from Catherine of Aragon
She never produced a male heir
Cardinal Wolsey
the highest ranking english church official who Henry VIII wanted to nullify his marrige
Who were Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell
2 new advisers who became King Henry VIII’s agents in fulfilling his wish of divorcing Catherine of Aragon
Who became archbishop of centerbury
Thomas Cranmer
Who became the King’s principle secretary after Wosley
Thomas Cromwell
What happened when Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church
the English monarch now controlled the church in all matters of doctrine, clerical appointments, and discipline
Who was Mary I of England?
Henry VIII’s first daughter by Catherine of Aragon;Catholic who fully intended to restore England to Roman Catholicism
John Calvin