Chapter 13: organizational Strucuture Flashcards
6 key elements of organizational structure
work specialization departmentalization chain of command span of control center and decentralization
the basis on which jobs are grouped
work specialization
degree to which tasks in the organization are subdivided into separate jobs
chain of command- 3
unity of command- subordinates should have only one superior
delegation-assignment of authority
who has the right to give orders and expect them to be obeyed
span of control
of subordinates that can be efficiently/ effectively managed
degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization
degree to which decision making is distributed to lower level employees
degree to which jobs w/in the organization are standardized
simple structure
fast, flexible, inexpensive
works best in small organizations
relies on 1 person to make all decisions
organizational design w highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization
strengths: standardized
MAtrix Organization
dual chain of command
employees have two bosses
New Design Options 3
team structure
virtual organization
boundaryless organization
team structure
uses teams as the central device to coordinate work activities
virtual organization
network or modular organization
making a film project by project
boundarlyess organization
has no chain of command, limitless spans of control
mechanistic model
high formality
more material hierarchy
organic model
fewer formal procedures
multiple decision makers
Three Strategy Dimensions (frameworks)
innovation- new products/services
cost-minimization- avoid innovation
imitation- after it has been proven viable
Major Causes of Organizations Structure
technology (degree of routineness)
environment (outside forces)